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Safeguard for Privileged Passwords On Demand Hosted - Administration Guide

Introduction System requirements and versions Using API and PowerShell tools Using the virtual appliance and web management console Cloud deployment considerations Setting up Safeguard for Privileged Passwords for the first time Using the web client Getting started with the desktop client Using the desktop client Activity Center Search box Privileged access requests Toolbox Accounts Account Groups Assets
General/Properties tab (asset) Accounts tab (asset) Account Dependencies tab (asset) Owners tab (asset) Access Request Policies tab (asset) Asset Groups tab (asset) Discovered SSH Keys (asset) Discovered Services tab (asset) History tab (asset) Managing assets
Asset Groups Discovery Entitlements Linked Accounts Partitions Profiles Settings
Access Request settings Appliance settings Asset Management settings Tags Backup and Retention settings Certificates settings Cluster settings Enable or Disable Services settings External Integration settings Password Management settings Real-Time Reports Safeguard Access settings SSH Key Management settings Security Policy Settings
Users User Groups Disaster recovery and clusters Administrator permissions Preparing systems for management Troubleshooting Frequently asked questions Appendix A: Safeguard ports Appendix B: SPP 2.7 or later migration guidance Appendix C: SPP and SPS join guidance Appendix D: Regular Expressions About us

Discover SSH Key settings

desktop client only

If an SSH key is discovered for an account on an asset, it is by definition an authorized key. An authorized key is a public SSH key that has been added to the relevant file in a user's home directory on an asset so the user can employ the corresponding private key to log in.

SSH key discovery can be toggled on or off. For more information, see Enable or disable access request and services.

SSH Key Discovery jobs are run to discover and manage SSH keys. For more information, see SSH Key Discovery.

Navigate to Administrative Tools | Settings | SSH Key Management | Discover SSH Key.

Table 247: Discover SSH Key properties
Setting Description


The name of the SSH Key Discovery job


The partition in which to manage the discovered SSH key


Information about the rule


Designates when the SSH Key Discovery job runs

Use the following toolbar buttons to manage the SSH Key Discovery job.

Table 248: Discover SSH Key: Toolbar
Option Description

Add an SSH Key Discovery job. For more information, see Adding SSH key discovery.

Delete Selected

Permanently remove the selected SSH Key Discovery job.


Update the list of SSH Key Discovery jobs.

Edit Modify the selected SSH Key Discovery job.

Copy SSH Key Discovery job

Copy the SSH Key Discovery job.


To locate a value in this list, enter the character string to be used to search for a match. For more information, see Search box.

Adding SSH key discovery

desktop client only

It is the responsibility of the Asset Administrator or the partition's delegated administrator to configure the rules that govern how Safeguard for Privileged Passwords performs SSH key discovery. For more information, see Account Discovery job workflow.

To add an SSH Key Discovery job

  1. Navigate to Administrative Tools | Settings | SSH Key Management | Discover SSH Key.
  2. Click  Add to open the Discover SSH Key Settings dialog.
  3. Provide the following:
    1. Partition: Browse to select a partition.
    2. Name: Enter a name for the SSH Key Discovery job. Limit: 50 characters.

    3. Description: Enter descriptive text about the SSH Key Discovery job. Limit: 255 characters

    4. To change the Discover SSH Key schedule, click the link or click the Schedule button. The default is Never.
    5. In the Schedule dialog, choose an interval for to run the SSH Key Discovery job.

      Select Run Every to run the job along per the run details you enter. (If you deselect Run Every, the schedule details are lost.)

      • Configure the following.

        To specify the frequency without start and end times, select from the following controls. If you want to specify start and end times, go to the Use Time Window selection in this section.

        Enter a frequency for Run Every. Then, select a time frame:

        • Minutes: The job runs per the frequency of minutes you specify. For example, Every 30 Minutes runs the job every half hour over a 24-hour period. It is recommended you do not use the frequency of minutes except in unusual situations, such as testing.
        • Hours: The job runs per the minute setting you specify. For example, if it is 9 a.m. and you want to run the job every two hours at 15 minutes past the hour starting at 9:15 a.m., select Runs Every 2 Hours @ 15 minutes after the hour.

        • Days: The job runs on the frequency of days and the time you enter.

          For example, Every 2 Days Starting @ 11:59:00 PM runs the job every other evening just before midnight.

        • Weeks The job runs per the frequency of weeks at the time and on the days you specify.

          For example, Every 2 Weeks Starting @ 5:00:00 AM and Repeat on these days with MON, WED, FRI selected runs the job every other week at 5 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

        • Months: The job runs on the frequency of months at the time and on the day you specify.

          For example, If you select Every 2 Months Starting @ 1:00:00 AM along with First Saturday of the month, the job will run at 1 a.m. on the first Saturday of every other month.

      • Select Use Time Windows if you want to enter the Start and End time. You can click Add or Remove to control multiple time restrictions. Each time window must be at least one minute apart and not overlap.

        For example, for a job to run every ten minutes every day from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m., enter these values:

        Enter Every 10 Minutes and Use Time Windows:

        • Start 10:00:00 PM and End 11:59:00 PM
        • Start 12:00:00 AM and End 2:00:00 AM

          An entry of Start 10:00:00 PM and End 2:00:00 AM will result in an error as the end time must be after the start time.

        If you have selected Days, Weeks, or Months, you will be able to select the number of times for the job to Repeat in the time window you enter.

        For a job to run two times every other day at 10:30 am between the hours of 4 a.m. and 8 p.m., enter these values:

        For days, enter Every 2 Days and set the Use Time Windows as Start 4:00:00 AM and End 8:00:00 PM and Repeat 2.

      • (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time is the default time zone. Select a new time zone, if desired.

      If the scheduler is unable to complete a task within the scheduled interval, when it finishes execution of the task, it is rescheduled for the next immediate interval.

  4. Click OK.

SSH Key Sync Groups settings

desktop client only

The Asset Administrator or a partition's delegated administrator defines the SSH key sync group for an SSH key pair. The new key is generated for the sync group and configured for each of the synced accounts on the target host. All accounts in the SSH key sync group synchronize so the same key can be used to log into all systems.

An SSH key sync group is used to control validation and reset across all associated accounts. The same SSH key is used for one or more accounts associated with the same or different assets. For example, synchronized SSH keys can be used for accounts that support clusters or systems that sync between development, test, and production.

An account can belong to only one SSH key sync group. Multiple SSH key sync groups can be added to a profile.

The profile change schedule is applied to the SSH key sync group. The SSH key sync group controls the tasks to change the SSH keys for the accounts in the sync group. If synchronization fails for an individual account in the SSH key sync group, the account is retried multiple times and, if failing after that, the sync task halts and is rescheduled. The administrator must correct the cause of the failure for the sync task to continue.

If an account is associated with a profile with a daily check schedule and also associated with an SSH key sync group, a mismatch on the daily check will trigger a task to set the SSH key to the current SSH key.

Navigate to Administrative Tools | Settings | SSH Key Management | SSH Key Sync Groups.

Table 249: SSH Key Sync Groups properties
Setting Description

If Enable is selected, the sync runs with the profile change schedule. You can select or deselect this check box.


The Status displays if all SSH key pairs are in sync with the SSH key sync group. The Status is if any SSH key for any account within the sync group does not synchronize.


The name of the SSH key sync group


The partition that uses the rule


The profile that uses the rule


The number of accounts to synchronize with the SSH key sync group

Next Sync Date

The date the SSH key sync group's SSH key pair will be synchronized across all accounts


Information about the rule

Use the following toolbar buttons to manage SSH key sync groups.

NOTE: Changes made from the SSH Key Sync Groups pane are reflected in the SSH key sync groups in the profile. See Creating a password profile.

Table 250: SSH Key Sync Groups: Toolbar
Option Description

Add an SSH key sync group. For more information, see Adding SSH key sync groups.

Delete Selected

Permanently remove the selected SSH key sync group.


Update the list of SSH key sync groups.

Edit Modify the selected SSH key sync group rule.

Change Sync Group SSH Keys

Change the SSH key for the selected SSH key sync group. All accounts in the SSH key sync group synchronize with the new SSH key.


To locate a value in this list, enter the character string to be used to search for a match. For more information, see Search box.

Adding SSH key sync groups

desktop client only

The Asset Administrator or a partition's delegated administrator defines an SSH key sync group. An account can belong to only one SSH key sync group. To assign SSH key sync groups and related accounts when adding the profile to a partition, see Creating a password profile

To add an SSH key sync group

  1. Navigate to Administrative Tools | Settings | SSH Key Management | SSH Key Sync Groups.
  2. Click Add to open the SSH Key Sync Group dialog.

  3. Click Browse to select a Profile. The Profile name displays.

    NOTE: Multiple SSH sync groups can be added to a profile. The profile change schedule is applied to the sync group. The sync group controls the tasks to change the SSH identity keys for the accounts in the sync group.

  4. Enter a unique Name of up to 100 characters.
  5. Enter a Description of up to 255 characters.
  6. Click Add and select one or more Accounts to be synchronized.

    The Accounts list displays with the following information about the account: Name, Parent, Service Account, Needs an SSH Key ( if yes or if no), and Description. Click any columns to sort the accounts.

  7. Click OK. The following values display:
    • Enabled: Select Enabled to SSH key sync group is active.
    • Status: Displayed as if the SSH key is not the same as the sync group, if the SSH key is the same, or if the account is ignored and possibly should not be in the sync group.
    • Name: Name of the SSH key sync group profile.
    • Partition: Name of the partition with the SSH key sync group.
    • Profile: Name of the profile with the SSH key sync group.
    • Accounts: The number of the accounts assigned to the SSH key sync group profile.
    • Next Sync Date: The date and time of the next sync.
    • Description: The description of the SSH key sync group profile.
  8. Click OK.
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Safeguard for Privileged Passwords On Demand - Hosted
Administration Guide
Evaluation Guide
Quick Start Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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