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Identity Manager Notifica sul prodotto

Avvisi critici

Unable to submit requests to the IT Shop.

How does this affect me?

The problem manifests itself by not allowing any work to be submitted to the IT Shop or the shopping cart.

This problem only impacts customers running both One Identity Manager versions 8.1 or later and Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Compatibility Level 150.


One Identity has determined the root cause of this issue to be a change in the way certain versions of SQL 2019 handle SQL functions on Compatibility Level 150. To work around this, we have made changes to specific SQL functions in Identity Manager under Change Request 35882.

  • One Identity recommends all customers using SQL 2019 with Identity Manager version 8.1 please install hotfix Transport_OneIM8.1QER _#35882. For more information, please see KB0004368611.
  • One Identity recommends all customers using SQL 2019 with Identity Manager version 8.2 please install hotfix Transport_OneIM8.2QER _#35882. For more information, please see KB0004368611.
  • One Identity recommends all customers using SQL 2019 with Identity Manager version 9.0 LTS Release to wait for the Cumulative Patch (OneIdentityManager.9.0.CU1) to be released in the near future.

If an unsupported release is being used One Identity recommends customers and partners upgrade to a later release.

Please refer to the Identity Manager Life Cycle table to determine the current support phase of your product.

Our experts can help you quickly transition to a new product version, so check out the Identity Manager Services offerings to get started.

We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.