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Identity Manager Notifica sul prodotto

As part of our scheduled maintenance One Identity will be updating the SSL Certificates on our Identity Manager On Demand and Identity Manager On Demand Starling Edition Application (App) Servers on November 30th. 
How will this impact you? 
Depending on your configuration, specific actions may be necessary:  
Action required: When configuring connections to the App Server, Administrators have the option to use a certificate for heightened security (certificate pinning). This is the default configuration. If this is done, updates to the connection strings will be necessary whenever the certificate changes. If your environment is configured this way, you will need to choose one of the following options:  
Option 1. Before November 30th, follow the steps outlined in KB 4373076 to update the connections to the App server without using a certificate. This is the recommended path for On Demand customers. 
Option 2. On November 30th following the Certificate update, follow the steps outlined in KB 4373076 to update the connections to the App Server and pin the new certificate (PinnedPublicKey). 
No Action Required: If during the configuration of the App server connection the Administrator left the certificate field blank, the connections strings do not need to be updated when the certificate is changed. No further action is required. 
How can I tell if I’m impacted? 
Please refer to your implementation documentation. Once configured, it is not possible to review the connection settings. If you are unsure of your configuration, we recommend you follow KB 4373076 to implement option 1 or 2 above. 
We are presently on schedule to complete the yearly certificate updates on November 30th.