To create reports, you can use a number of predefined reporting subchapters. The following sections list the short description of each subchapter, as displayed on the web UI of SPS, and its name you can use to configure reports using the REST API.
Configuration changes - Changes by pages:
Configuration changes - Changes by users:
Configuration changes - Changes in time:
Configuration changes - Special events:
Configuration changes - Password change:
Channels table
Distribution of channels
Channels history
Verdicts history by channels
Accepted usernames
Remote usernames
Accepted remote usernames
Four-eyes authorizers
Source addresses
Server addresses
Top 10 usernames in denied channels
Top 10 denied usernames in channels
Top 10 denied servers in channels
Top 10 denied channel types
Top 10 longest sessions
Top 10 shortest sessions
System health - Filesystem usage
System health - Network connections
System health - Load average
Top 10 usernames in each connection
Top 10 accepted usernames in each connection
Top 10 remote usernames in each connection
Top 10 username/four-eyes authorizer in each connection
Top 10 servers in each connection
Top 10 username/server in each connection
Top 10 username/remote user in each connection
Top 10 commands over SSH session-exec channel in each connection
Top 10 channel types in each connection
Top 10 Port forward targets in each connection
You can also use subchapters for a specific connection. You have to use the protocol and the key of the connection.
The following examples assume that the connection's protocol is SSH, and its key is 8348340645707e2575e3c6.
Top 10 usernames in "<connection_name>"
Top 10 accepted usernames in "<connection_name>"
Top 10 remote usernames in "<connection_name>"
Top 10 username/four-eyes authorizer in "<connection_name>"
Top 10 servers in "<connection_name>"
Top 10 username/server in "<connection_name>"
Top 10 username/remote user in "<connection_name>"
Top 10 commands over SSH session-exec channel in "<connection_name>"
Top 10 channel types in "<connection_name>"
Top 10 Port forward targets in "<connection_name>"
You can configure the compliance reports of SPS using the predefined_reports endpoint.
To help you comply with the regulations of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) can generate reports on the compliance status of SPS. Note that this is not a fully-featured compliance report: it is a tool to enhance and complement your compliance report by providing information available in SPS. The report corresponds with the document Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard, Requirements and Security Assessment Procedures, Version 3.0, published by the PCI Security Standards Council.
GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/reporting/predefined_reports
Cookie name | Description | Required | Values |
session_id | Contains the authentication token of the user | Required |
The value of the session ID cookie received from the REST server in the authentication response, for example, a1f71d030e657634730b9e887cb59a5e56162860. For details on authentication, see Authenticate to the SPS REST API. Note that this session ID refers to the connection between the REST client and the SPS REST API. It is not related to the sessions that SPS records (and which also have a session ID, but in a different format). |
The following command lists the pre-defined reports available on SPS.
curl --cookie cookies https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/reporting/predefined_reports
The following command retrieves the properties of a specific report.
curl --cookie cookies https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api//configuration/reporting/predefined_reports/<report-key>
The following is a sample response received when listing pre-defined reports.
For details of the meta object, see Message format.
{ "meta": { "first": "/api/configuration/reporting/content_subchapters", "href": "/api/configuration/reporting/predefined_reports", "last": "/api/configuration/reporting/statistics_subchapters", "next": "/api/configuration/reporting/reports", "parent": "/api/configuration/reporting", "previous": "/api/configuration/reporting/custom_subchapters", "transaction": "/api/transaction" }, "items": [ { "key": "pcidss", "meta": { "href": "/api/configuration/reporting/predefined_reports/pcidss" } } ] }
When retrieving the endpoint of a specific report, the response is the following.
{ "key": "pcidss", "meta": { "first": "/api/configuration/reporting/predefined_reports/pcidss", "href": "/api/configuration/reporting/predefined_reports/pcidss", "last": "/api/configuration/reporting/predefined_reports/pcidss", "next": null, "parent": "/api/configuration/reporting/predefined_reports", "previous": null, "transaction": "/api/transaction" }, "pcidss": { "access": [ "report" ], "email_recipients": { "selection": "default" }, "name": "PCI-DSS", "send_report_in_email": true } }
Set the e-mail recipients to the default (as configured in the reporting_address element of the /api/configuration/management/email endpoint):
"email_recipients": { "selection": "default" }
Create a custom set of e-mail recipients:
"email_recipients": { "recipients": [ "<email-1>", "<email-2>" ], "selection": "other" }
The following table lists the typical status and error codes for this request. For a complete list of error codes, see Application level error codes.
Code | Description | Notes |
201 | Created | The new resource was successfully created. |
400 | InvalidQuery | The requested filter or its value is invalid. |
400 |
IncompleteConfigurationSubtreeError Syntax error: \"No such property; property='recipients' |
Do not provide recipients if you set the selection element under email_recipients to default. |
400 |
Bad Request "message": "New Ids are not allowed" |
Error when committing your transaction. Creating new pre-defined reports is not allowed. |
401 | Unauthenticated | The requested resource cannot be retrieved because the client is not authenticated and the resource requires authorization to access it. The details section contains the path that was attempted to be accessed, but could not be retrieved. |
401 | AuthenticationFailure | Authenticating the user with the given credentials has failed. |
404 | NotFound | The requested object does not exist. |
To modify a report, you have to:
For details, see Open a transaction.
PUT the modified JSON object to the https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/reporting/predefined_reports/<report-key> endpoint. You can find a detailed description of the available parameters listed in Element .
For details, see Commit a transaction.
Reporting subchapters created from audit trail content (statistics of search keywords, and screenshots). You have to provide a list of keywords, and create the appropriate filters to narrow down the scope of the search. SPS searches the indexed content of all audit trails that fit the filter criteria, and provide the resulting statistics and screenshots in the report.
Configure and enable indexing for all connections that you want to include in the reports.
GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/reporting/content_subchapters
Cookie name | Description | Required | Values |
session_id | Contains the authentication token of the user | Required |
The value of the session ID cookie received from the REST server in the authentication response, for example, a1f71d030e657634730b9e887cb59a5e56162860. For details on authentication, see Authenticate to the SPS REST API. Note that this session ID refers to the connection between the REST client and the SPS REST API. It is not related to the sessions that SPS records (and which also have a session ID, but in a different format). |
The following command lists the available content subchapters.
curl --cookie cookies https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/reporting/content_subchapters
The following command retrieves the properties of a specific subchapter.
curl --cookie cookies https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/reporting/content_subchapters/<subchapter-key>
The following is a sample response received when listing content subchapters.
For details of the meta object, see Message format.
{ "meta": { "first": "/api/configuration/reporting/content_subchapters", "href": "/api/configuration/reporting/content_subchapters", "last": "/api/configuration/reporting/statistics_subchapters", "next": "/api/configuration/reporting/custom_subchapters", "parent": "/api/configuration/reporting", "previous": null, "transaction": "/api/transaction" }, "items": [ { "key": "13869311625707e0a3e0892", "meta": { "href": "/api/configuration/reporting/content_subchapters/13869311625707e0a3e0892" } } ] }
When retrieving the endpoint of a specific content subchapter, the response is the following.
{ "body": { "access": [ "search" ], "filter": { "channel_policy": { "key": "-10200", "meta": { "href": "/api/configuration/ssh/channel_policies/-10200" } }, "connection_policy": "8348340645707e2575e3c6", "protocol": "ssh", "server_address": "", "server_port": 22, "source_address": "", "source_port": 22, "username": "admin" }, "name": "API_test_subchapter", "search_words": [ "logout" ] }, "key": "13869311625707e0a3e0892", "meta": { "first": "/api/configuration/reporting/content_subchapters/13869311625707e0a3e0892", "href": "/api/configuration/reporting/content_subchapters/13869311625707e0a3e0892", "last": "/api/configuration/reporting/content_subchapters/13869311625707e0a3e0892", "next": null, "parent": "/api/configuration/reporting/content_subchapters", "previous": null, "transaction": "/api/transaction" } }
Element | Type | Description | ||
key | string | Top level element, contains the ID of the subchapter. | ||
body | Top level element (string) | The elements of the subchapter. | ||
access | list |
Required. List of access control groups whose members can access the subchapter. To deny access to the subchapter, use "admin" as the only value for the element. | ||
filter | Top level element. | Filter options for narrowing the scope of the keyword search. See the corresponding table for more details. | ||
channel_policy | string |
References the key of the channel policy. You can configure channel policies at the "/api/configuration/<protocol>/channel_policies/<policy-ID>" endpoint. Note that the path is different for each protocol. To modify or add a channel policy, use the value of the returned key as the value of the channel_policy element, and remove any child elements (including the key). | ||
connection_policy | string |
The key of the connection policy specified for the search. To use a connection policy, you must also set the protocol using the protocol element. | ||
protocol | string |
The protocol of the connection or channel policy specified for the search. | ||
server_address | string |
The target server's address. Use an IPv4 address. | ||
server_port | int | The port of the target server's address. | ||
source_address | string | The address from where the connection is initiated. | ||
source_port | int | The port of the address from where the connection is initiated. | ||
username | string | The username used to connect to the target server. | ||
name | string | The name of the subchapter. | ||
search_words | list | The list of search keywords to generate statistics and screenshots for in the subchapter. |
Create a content subchapter for the occurences of the "logout" keyword in SSH connections. Make the subchapter accessible to the search and report usergroups.
Search connections where the "shell-only" channel policy is used.
{ "access": [ "search", "report" ], "filter": { "channel_policy": "-10000", "connection_policy": null, "protocol": "ssh", "server_address": null, "server_port": null, "source_address": null, "source_port": null, "username": null }, "name": "Shell_access", "search_words": [ "logout" ] }
Search connections of a specific connection policy. Provide the protocol of the connection. The key of the connection policy is available at the /api/configuration/<protocol>/connections/ endpoint.
{ "access": [ "search", "report" ], "filter": { "channel_policy": null, "connection_policy": "<key-of-connection-policy>", "protocol": "ssh", "server_address": null, "server_port": null, "source_address": null, "source_port": null, "username": null }, "name": "Controlled_access", "search_words": [ "logout" ] }
Search connections where the "admin" username was used.
{ "access": [ "search", "report" ], "filter": { "channel_policy": null, "connection_policy": null, "protocol": "ssh", "server_address": null, "server_port": null, "source_address": null, "source_port": null, "username": "admin" }, "name": "Login_as_admin", "search_words": [ "logout" ] }
Search connections made to a specific server address and port.
{ "access": [ "search", "report" ], "filter": { "channel_policy": null, "connection_policy": null, "protocol": "ssh", "server_address": "<server-ip>", "server_port": <port>, "source_address": null, "source_port": null, "username": null }, "name": "Server_access", "search_words": [ "logout" ] }
The following table lists the typical status and error codes for this request. For a complete list of error codes, see Application level error codes.
Code | Description | Notes |
201 | Created | The new resource was successfully created. |
400 | InvalidQuery | The requested filter or its value is invalid. |
400 |
Path: <endpoint>/filter/channel_policy Type: SyntacticError |
You have included the key and meta elements of a channel_policy in a PUT or POST request. |
401 | Unauthenticated | The requested resource cannot be retrieved because the client is not authenticated and the resource requires authorization to access it. The details section contains the path that was attempted to be accessed, but could not be retrieved. |
401 | AuthenticationFailure | Authenticating the user with the given credentials has failed. |
404 | NotFound | The requested object does not exist. |
To add a content subchapter, you have to:
For details, see Open a transaction.
POST the JSON object to the https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/reporting/content_subchapters/ endpoint. You can find a detailed description of the available parameters listed in Element .
To use a channel policy for filtering, use the key of the policy. You must also set the protocol element to the corresponding protocol.
For example, to use the shell-only channel policy, which is a default SSH policy provided by SPS, you have to configure both the channel_policy element…
"channel_policy": "-10000"
…and the protocol element:
"protocol": "ssh"
If the POST request is successful, the response includes the key of the new subchapter. For example:
{ "key": "416bb324-b44e-4ed3-a49d-02e99e53e941", "meta": { "href": "/api/configuration/reporting/content_subchapters/416bb324-b44e-4ed3-a49d-02e99e53e941", "parent": "/api/configuration/reporting/content_subchapters", "transaction": "/api/transaction" } }
For details, see Commit a transaction.
To modify a content subchapter, you have to:
For details, see Open a transaction.
You can find a detailed description of the available parameters listed in Element
To use a channel policy for filtering, do not include the returned key and meta elements of the channel policy in your PUT request. Instead, set the value of the channel_policy to the value of its key.
For example, if a GET request for the subchapter returns the following channel_policy filter:
"channel_policy": { "key": "-10200", "meta": { "href": "/api/configuration/ssh/channel_policies/-10200" } }
You have to change it in your PUT request to:
"channel_policy": "-10200"
You must also configure the protocol element to the protocol of the channel policy.
PUT the modified JSON object to the https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/reporting/content_subchapters/<subchapter-key> endpoint.
For details, see Commit a transaction.
List of the reporting subchapters created from custom queries to the SPS connection database. The list of tables and fields you can query are described in "Database tables available for custom queries" in the Administration Guide.
GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/reporting/custom_subchapters
Cookie name | Description | Required | Values |
session_id | Contains the authentication token of the user | Required |
The value of the session ID cookie received from the REST server in the authentication response, for example, a1f71d030e657634730b9e887cb59a5e56162860. For details on authentication, see Authenticate to the SPS REST API. Note that this session ID refers to the connection between the REST client and the SPS REST API. It is not related to the sessions that SPS records (and which also have a session ID, but in a different format). |
The following command lists the available custom subchapters.
curl --cookie cookies https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/reporting/custom_subchapters
The following command retrieves the properties of a specific subchapter.
curl --cookie cookies https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/reporting/custom_subchapters/<object-id>
The following is a sample response received when listing custom subchapters.
For details of the meta object, see Message format.
{ "meta": { "first": "/api/configuration/reporting/content_subchapters", "href": "/api/configuration/reporting/custom_subchapters", "last": "/api/configuration/reporting/statistics_subchapters", "next": "/api/configuration/reporting/predefined_reports", "parent": "/api/configuration/reporting", "previous": "/api/configuration/reporting/content_subchapters", "transaction": "/api/transaction" }, "items": [ { "key": "5983143445707eb740fee3", "meta": { "href": "/api/configuration/reporting/custom_subchapters/5983143445707eb740fee3" } } ] }
When retrieving the endpoint of a specific subchapter, the response is the following.
{ "body": { "access": [ "search" ], "chart": { "column_titles": [ "col1", "col2" ], "type": "list" }, "name": "API_test_adv_stats", "query": "select\n to_timestamp(audit_trail_downloads.download_time),\n audit_trail_downloads.username,\n channels.channel_type,\n channels.connection,\n audit_trail_downloads.ip\nfrom audit_trail_downloads,\n channels\nwhere channels._connection_channel_id =\nand audit_trail_downloads.download_time <= :range_start\nand audit_trail_downloads.download_time > :range_end\nand audit_trail_downloads.username != 'admin'\norder by audit_trail_downloads.download_time;" }, "key": "5983143445707eb740fee3", "meta": { "first": "/api/configuration/reporting/custom_subchapters/5983143445707eb740fee3", "href": "/api/configuration/reporting/custom_subchapters/5983143445707eb740fee3", "last": "/api/configuration/reporting/custom_subchapters/5983143445707eb740fee3", "next": null, "parent": "/api/configuration/reporting/custom_subchapters", "previous": null, "transaction": "/api/transaction" } }
Create a bar chart with a custom title for the y-axis:
"chart": { "type": "bar", "y_axis_title": "Y_axis" }
Create a pie chart:
"chart": { "type": "pie" }
Create a list with custom column names:
"chart": { "column_titles": [ "col1", "col2" ], "type": "list" }
The following table lists the typical status and error codes for this request. For a complete list of error codes, see Application level error codes.
Code | Description | Notes |
201 | Created | The new resource was successfully created. |
400 | InvalidQuery | The requested filter or its value is invalid. |
401 | Unauthenticated | The requested resource cannot be retrieved because the client is not authenticated and the resource requires authorization to access it. The details section contains the path that was attempted to be accessed, but could not be retrieved. |
401 | AuthenticationFailure | Authenticating the user with the given credentials has failed. |
404 | NotFound | The requested object does not exist. |
To add a custom subchapter, you have to:
For details, see Open a transaction.
POST the JSON object to the https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/reporting/custom_subchapters endpoint. You can find a detailed description of the available parameters listed in Element .
If the POST request is successful, the response includes the key of the new subchapter. For example:
{ "key": "9a8f7f19-edbf-4327-9d3a-9f527e7331ee", "meta": { "href": "/api/configuration/reporting/custom_subchapters/9a8f7f19-edbf-4327-9d3a-9f527e7331ee", "parent": "/api/configuration/reporting/custom_subchapters", "transaction": "/api/transaction" } }
For details, see Commit a transaction.
To modify a subchapter, you have to:
For details, see Open a transaction.
PUT the modified JSON object to the https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/reporting/custom_subchapters/<key-of-the-object> endpoint. You can find a detailed description of the available parameters listed in Element .
For details, see Commit a transaction.
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