This section and its subsections describe the possible ways you can add custom cloud service provider data disks to your syslog-ng Store Box (SSB) configuration on the cloud service provider side.

For more information about how you can add custom cloud service provider disks to your SSB configuration on the SSB side, see Adding a new custom cloud service provider data disk to your SSB configuration on the SSB side.

If you need more disk space than the disk size of your default data disk available in syslog-ng Store Box (SSB), from version 6.9.0, you can also add a custom cloud service provider data disk to your configuration. From 6.9.0, SSB supports adding a Microsoft Azure-managed disk and from 6.10.0, SSB supports adding additional disks in VMware ESXi to your SSB configuration as a custom cloud service provider data disk, and assigning the SSB logspace of your choice to it.

In version 7.0 LTS, SSB supports adding Microsoft Azure managed disks of up to 32,767 GiB storage space to your SSB device. For more information about managed data disks in Microsoft Azure, see Disk type comparison in the Microsoft Azure online documentation.
