Error handling – If-Else activity
When configuring an If-Else activity, you can choose whether to suppress errors encountered by that activity. The following option is available: Continue workflow even if this activity encounters an error. If this option is not selected (default setting), then an error condition encountered by the activity causes Active Roles to stop the workflow. If you select this option, the workflow continues regardless of whether or not the If-Else activity or any activity within the If-Else activity encounters an error condition.
Stop/Break activity
A Stop/Break activity is used to immediately end all activities of a running workflow instance. You can use it within a branch of an If-Else activity, so as to terminate the workflow once a certain condition occurs.
An example is a requirement for the validation of the requested data changes to deny certain operations because applying such operations would result in unacceptable data being written to the directory. To address this requirement, you can use a workflow with an If-Else branch that runs upon detection of unacceptable data in the requested operation, and add a Stop/Break activity to that branch. In this way, your workflow will block the unwanted operations, safeguarding the directory data.
The Stop/Break activity logs a message when terminating the workflow instance. You can specify a message text as an activity setting to provide the reason for the workflow instance termination. The activity includes that message in the event that is recorded to the Active Roles event log on the computer running the Active Roles Administration Service.
Add Report Section activity
You can use the Add Report Section activity to add custom information to the change history report (in case of workflow started by an operation request) or run history report (in case of automation workflow). The activity adds a separate section to the Workflow activities and policy actions area of the report. The section consists of a header and a body. The activity provides the following options for configuring the text to be displayed in the header and the body of the report section:
You can specify whether the report section is intended to display information about successful operation or error condition. In the latter case, the text of the header and the body of the report section is displayed in red.
You can compose the header text of data entries that will be calculated during execution of the activity. The activity offers various data entry types, allowing the header text to include properties of objects involved in the workflow and related objects, date and time of activity execution, and workflow parameters.
You can configure the body text to include multiple strings, with each string composed by using the same options that are available for the header text string. Thus, in addition to literal text strings and formatting characters, the body text may include information about object properties and other string values the activity will calculate in workflow run time.
You can also add the Add Report Section activity to a certain If-Else branch to have the report indicate that the workflow executed that branch of activities.
Search activity
A Search activity allows you to perform searches against directory data to find objects, such as users or groups, that match the criteria you specify based on object properties, object location, and other information available in the execution environment of the workflow, and to pass these objects to other activities so that the workflow can perform the appropriate actions on them. You can insert activities into a Search activity and have those activities process the objects found by the Search activity.
The following topics cover the configurable settings of a Search activity: