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syslog-ng Open Source Edition 3.16 - Release Notes

smtp: Generating SMTP messages (e-mail) from logs

smtp: Generating SMTP messages (e-mail) from logs

The destination is aimed at a fully controlled local, or near-local, trusted SMTP server. The goal is to send mail to trusted recipients, through a controlled channel. It hands mails over to an SMTP server, and that is all it does, therefore the resulting solution is as reliable as sending an e-mail in general. For example, syslog-ng OSE does not verify whether the recipient exists.

The smtp() driver sends e-mail messages triggered by log messages. The smtp() driver uses SMTP, without needing external applications. You can customize the main fields of the e-mail, add extra headers, send the e-mail to multiple recipients, and so on.

The subject(), body(), and header() fields may include macros which get expanded in the e-mail. For more information on available macros see Macros of syslog-ng OSE.

The smtp() driver has the following required parameters: host(), port(), from(), to(), subject(), and body(). For the list of available optional parameters, see smtp() destination options.


The smtp() destination driver is available only in syslog-ng OSE 3.4 and later.

smtp(host() port() from() to() subject() body() options());
Example: Using the smtp() driver

The following example defines an smtp() destination using only the required parameters.

destination d_smtp {
        from("syslog-ng alert service" "")
        to("Admin #1" "")
        subject("[ALERT] Important log message of $LEVEL condition received from $HOST/$PROGRAM!")
        body("Hi!\nThe syslog-ng alerting service detected the following important log message:\n $MSG\n-- \nsyslog-ng\n")

The following example sets some optional parameters as well.

destination d_smtp {
        from("syslog-ng alert service" "")
        to("Admin #1" "")
        to("Admin #2" "")
        cc("Admin BOSS" "")
        bcc("Blind CC" "")
        subject("[ALERT] Important log message of $LEVEL condition received from $HOST/$PROGRAM!")
        body("Hi!\nThe syslog-ng alerting service detected the following important log message:\n $MSG\n-- \nsyslog-ng\n")
        header("X-Program", "$PROGRAM")
Example: Simple e-mail alerting with the smtp() driver

The following example sends an e-mail alert if the eth0 network interface of the host is down.

filter f_linkdown {
    match("eth0: link down" value("MESSAGE"));
destination d_alert {
        host("localhost") port(25)
        from("syslog-ng alert service" "syslog@localhost")
        reply-to("Admins" "root@localhost")
        to("Ennekem" "me@localhost")
        subject("[SYSLOG ALERT]: eth0 link down")
        body("Syslog received an alert:\n$MSG")

log {
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