It is the responsibility of the Asset Administrator or the partition's delegated administrator to configure the rules that govern how SPP performs account discovery. For more information, see Account Discovery job workflow..
To add an Account Discovery job
- Navigate to Asset Management > Discovery > Accounts.
- Click
New Account Discovery Job to open the New Account Discovery Job dialog.
- On the General tab, enter the following information:
- Name: Enter a name for the account discovery job.
- Description: Enter a description of the account discovery job.
Partition: Use Browse to select the partition in which to manage the discovered accounts. You can also add a new partition from the Select a Partition dialog (accessed via the Browse button) by clicking
New Partition.
IMPORTANT: You cannot change the partition after you save this discovery job.
On the Information tab, enter the following information:
Discovery Type: Select the platform (Directory, Role Based, SPS, Starling Connect, Unix, or Windows). Make sure the Discovery Type is valid for the assets associated with the partition selected on the General tab.
Discover Services: (For Windows accounts only and deselected by default) Select this check box so that when the discovery job is run, services are discovered.
If Discover Services is selected, the Automatically Configure Dependent Systems check box is also available. Select this check box so that any directory accounts that are discovered in the Service Discovery job are automatically configured as dependent accounts on the asset where the service or task was discovered. Once dependencies are found they can only be removed manually from Account Dependencies tab (asset).
The Account Discovery Rules tab is only available after an account discovery job has been created. For more information, see Adding an Account Discovery rule.
- On the Schedule tab, enter the following information:
Select a time frame:
- Never: The job will not run according to a set schedule. You can still manually run the job.
- Minutes: The job runs per the frequency of minutes you specify. For example, Run Every 30/Minutes runs the job every half hour over a 24-hour period. It is recommended you do not use the frequency of minutes except in unusual situations, such as testing.
Hours: The job runs per the minute setting you specify. For example, if it is 9 a.m. and you want to run the job every two hours at 15 minutes past the hour starting at 9:15 a.m., select Run Every 2/Hours/@ minutes after the hour 15.
Days: The job runs on the frequency of days and the time you enter.
For example, Run Every 2/Days/Starting @ 11:59:00 PM runs the job every other evening just before midnight.
Weeks The job runs per the frequency of weeks at the time and on the days you specify.
For example, Run Every 2/Weeks/Starting @ 5:00:00 AM and Repeat on these days with MON, WED, FRI selected runs the job every other week at 5 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Months: The job runs on the frequency of months at the time and on the day you specify.
For example, If you select Run Every 2/Months/Starting @ 1:00:00 AM along with Day of Week of Month/First/Saturday, the job will run at 1 a.m. on the first Saturday of every other month.
Select Use Time Windows if you want to enter the Start and End time. You can click
Add or
Remove to control multiple time restrictions. Each time window must be at least one minute apart and not overlap.
For example, for a job to run every ten minutes every day from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m., enter these values:
Enter Run Every 10/Minutes and set Use Time Windows:
- Start 10:00:00 PM and End 11:59:00 PM
Start 12:00:00 AM and End 2:00:00 AM
An entry of Start 10:00:00 PM and End 2:00:00 AM will result in an error as the end time must be after the start time.
If you have selected Days, Weeks, or Months, you will be able to select the number of times for the job to Repeat in the time window you enter.
For a job to run two times every other day at 10:30 am between the hours of 4 a.m. and 8 p.m., enter these values:
For days, enter Run Every 2/Days and set Use Time Windows as Start 4:00:00 AM and End 8:00:00 PM and Repeat 2.
If the scheduler is unable to complete a task within the scheduled interval, when it finishes execution of the task, it is rescheduled for the next immediate interval.
Click OK.
NOTE: Once you have a saved the new account discovery job, the Account Discovery Rules tab will be available and you can add, delete, edit or copy rules. For more information, see Adding an Account Discovery rule..
Select the assets to which the account discovery rule applies using one of these approaches:
- Go to the asset and configure the account discovery rules. For more information, see Account Discovery tab (add asset)..
- From the Account Discovery job grid, click the link in the Asset Count column to select assets. For more information, see Account Discovery..