PRESENTATION 1After upgrading from Password Manager 5.9.x, the User search in the PMSelfService site fails to return any users.
There is no error in the PMSelfService site.
Verbose logging for the Password Manager service shows errors like:
E [3008:18] QPM.Service.Modules.ADHelpers.dll ErrorContextInterceptionBehavior.Invoke() >> PublishConnectionPoint raises exception: 'DsBindWithCred failed with error 5: Access is denied.
E [3008:32] QPM.Service.Modules.ADHelpers.dll ADHelper.CreateLdapConnection() >> Invalid Credentials for Domain: xxxx
E [3008:32] QPM.Service.Modules.ADHelpers.dll ErrorContextInterceptionBehavior.Invoke() >> GetContainer raises exception: 'The server could not be contacted.'
Re-entering the credentials in the domain connection is successful, but the issue persists.
PRESENTATION 2Users can be found in the PMSelfService site, but attempting to reset the password for an expired account or for a user with the
User must change password at next logon flag set fails with the error:
DsBind failed with error 5: Access is denied. (0x00000005)