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Critical Alerts

Dear OneLogin Administrator,

We are extremely excited to announce that we will begin the long-awaited migration of our EU Event Data to the AWS EU Aurora service on July 5, 2024.

There will be no disruption of service during the process, though it will take several weeks to complete. We look forward to sending out a follow-up notification to you all once this migration process has completed!

Once the migration has concluded, event data older than 18 months will be archived and no longer accessible via the OneLogin Admin UI or the Events API. If you require this archived content, the data can be retrieved by emailing OneLoginEventData@oneidentity.com. This option will be available to all customers through September 2024.

From October 2024 onward, a data retention policy of 18 months will be applied. Events older than 18 months will be purged and will no longer be available.