To delete compilation branches
On the menu bar, click View | Start page.
On the start page, expand the Compilation branches pane.
In the Compilation branches pane, click
Manage compilation branches.
In the Manage compilation branches dialog window, click the compilation branch that you want to delete from the list.
Click Delete
Confirm the Delete? prompt by selecting Yes.
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You can test the functionality of your API locally on your PC at any time.
To test your API locally
On the menu bar, click View | Start page.
Expand the Self-hosted API Server pane on the start page.
In the Startup options field, enter the options for starting the API.
TIP: Alternatively, you can also select previous commands from the list.
Click Start.
The API is compiled and will then be available locally. The corresponding web address is displayed next to the Status. Click the address to open this directly in the browser.
Related topics
To edit an API as a C# project with external programs (for example, Visual Studio), you must perform three steps:
Link your API Designer project with a new or existing C# project.
Edit the C# project in an external program.
Open the C# project again in API Designer and save it in the API project.
To link the API Designer project with a C# project
On the menu bar, click View | Start page.
On the start page, expand the C# development pane.
In the C# development pane, perform one of the following actions:
To export and link the API Designer project as a new C# project, click
Export C# project. Navigate to the folder where you want to export the content of your API Designer project as a C# project and click OK.
To link the API Designer project with an existing project, click
Load C# project.
The API Designer is linked with the C# project.
To edit the C# project in an external program
On the menu bar, click View | Start page.
On the start page, expand the C# development pane.
In the C# development pane, click Project file: <path to C# project>.
The project opens in the program that the project file is linked with.
TIP: To open the project folder directly, click
Open corresponding folder.
Edit the project in the external program. For example, you can create, change, or delete API files.
To save changes back to the API Designer project
Open the API Designer.
On the menu bar, click View | Start page.
On the start page, expand the C# development pane.
In the C# development pane, click
Synchronize C# project with base.
You now see the objects that you have changed outside the API Designer.
In the list on the right, next to the changed objects, select the actions that you want to perform for the API Designer project.
New C# file |
A new API file was created in the C# project. |
Add API file: Adds the C# file that you created in the external program to yourAPI Designer project as an API file.
Delete file: Deletes the C# class in the C# project. |
New API file |
A new API file was created in the API Designer Sharp project. |
Add C# file: Adds the API file that you created in the API Designer to your C# project as a C# file.
Delete API file: Deletes the API file in the API Designer project. |
API file is newer |
An API file was modified in the API Designer project. |
Update: Transfers the changes to the API file from the API Designer project into the C# project.
Revert changes: Reverses the changes that you made in your API Designer project in the API file. |
C# file is newer |
An API file was modified in the C# project. |
Update: Transfers the changes to the API file from the C# project into the API Designer project.
Revert changes: Reverses the changes that you made in your C# project in the API file. |
Select the check box next to the objects for which the selected actions should be performed.
TIP: To quickly select or deselect all objects, select the Select all/deselect all check box above the list.
Apply selected actions.
An API project represents the actual API application itself.
You can combine API files that you have created in one API project for a logical application. The API project includes the configuration. The API project includes the authentication on the database.
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