The User Local Override file contains information about mappings between Active Directory and local users. It is produced by oat_match and is used by Safeguard Authentication Services to override properties of Active Directory users on the local host.
<user_local_override_list> ::= { <user_local_override_record> <CRLF> } <user_local_override_record> ::= <AD_user> ':' <local_user> <AD_user> ::= <UPN> <local_user> ::= <Login Name> ':' [<UID>] ':' [<GID>] ':' [<GECOS>] ':' [<Home Directory>] ':' [<Shell>] <UPN> ::= <character> {<character>} '@' <character> {<character>} <Login Name> ::= <character> {<character>} <UID> ::= <digit> { <digit> } <GID> ::= <digit> { <digit> } <GECOS> ::= <character> {<character>} <Home Directory> ::= <character> {<character>} <Shell> ::= <character> {<character>}
vanya@a.vmx:testmigr:1001:1001::/home/testmigr: alex@a.vmx:alex:500:500::/home/alex: mpetrova@a.vmx:masha:10003:0:Maria Petrova::
The Group Local Override file contains information about mappings between Active Directory and local groups. It is produced by oat_match and is used by Safeguard Authentication Services to override properties of Active Directory users on the local host.
<group_local_override_list> ::= { <group_local_override_record> <CRLF> } <group_local_override_record> ::= <AD_group> ':' <local_group> <AD_group> ::= <Group Name> <local_group> ::= <Override Group Name> ':' <GID> ':' [<Additional Members>] <Group Name> ::= <character> {<character>} <Override Group Name> ::= <character> {<character>} <GID> ::= <digit> { <digit> } <Additional Members> ::= <User name> { ',' <User name> } <User name> ::= <character> {<character>}
The Files to Process List file contains a list of files and directories for which you want to change the ownership. It is produced by X? and is passed to oat_changeowners.
<file_list> ::= { < file_list_entry > <CRLF> } <file_list_entry> ::= <full_file_name> | <full_directory_name> <full_file_name> ::= '/' { <character> } <full_directory_name> ::= '/' { <character> }
/home/alex /home/mike /etc /opt/quest/bin/vastool
The Files to Exclude List file contains a list of files and directories for which you do not want to change the ownership. It is produced by X? and is passed to oat_changeowners.
<file_list> ::= { < file_list_entry > <CRLF> } <file_list_entry> ::= <full_file_name> | <full_directory_name> | <regular_expression> <full_file_name> ::= '/' { <character> } <full_directory_name> ::= '/' { <character> } <regular_expression> ::= 'regexp:' { <character> }
/home/alex /home/mike /etc /opt/quest/bin/vastool
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