General tab (asset group)
The General tab lists information about the selected asset group.
The large tile at the top of the tab displays the number of Assets and Access Request Policies associated with the selected asset group. Clicking a tile heading opens the corresponding tab.
Table 60: Asset Groups General tab: General properties
Name |
The selected asset group's name |
Description |
Information about the selected asset group |
Asset Rules |
For dynamic asset groups, a summary of the asset rules defined. |
Related Topics
Modifying an asset group
Assets tab (asset group)
The Assets tab displays the assets associated with the selected asset group.
Add Asset from the details toolbar to add one or more assets to the selected asset group.
Search: For more information, see Search box.
Table 61: Asset Groups: Assets tab properties
Name |
The asset name assigned to the managed system. |
Platform Type |
The platform of the managed system. |
Session Request |
A check in this column indicates that session access requests are enabled for the asset. |
Description |
Information about the asset. |
Related Topics
Adding assets to an asset group
Modifying an asset group
Access Request Policies tab (asset group)
The Access Request Policies tab displays the entitlements and access request policies associated with the selected asset group.
Add to Policy from the details toolbar to add the selected asset group to the scope of one or more access request policies.
Table 62: Asset Groups: Access Request Policies tab properties
Entitlement |
The name of the access request policy's entitlement |
Access Request Policy |
The name of the policy that governs the assets in the selected asset group |
Asset Groups |
The number of unique asset groups in the access request policy |
Assets |
The number of unique assets in the asset groups that are associated with the access request policy |
Use these buttons on the details toolbar to manage your access request policies associated with the selected asset group.
History tab (asset group)
The History tab allows you to view or export the details of each operation that has affected the selected asset group.
The top of the History tab contains the following information:
Table 64: Asset Groups: History tab properties
Date/Time |
The date and time of the event |
User |
The display name of the user that triggered the event |
Source IP |
The network DNS name or IP address of the managed system that triggered the event |
Object Name |
The name of the selected asset group. |
Event |
The type of operation made to the selected account group:
- Create
- Delete
- Update
- Add Membership
- Remove Membership
NOTE: A membership operation indicates a "relationship" change with a related or parent object such as the selected asset group was added or removed from the membership of a policy, or an asset was added or removed from the membership of the selected asset group. |
Related Object |
The name of the related object |
Related Object Type |
The type of the related object |
Parent |
The name of the object to which the selected asset group is a child |
Parent Object Type |
The parent object type |
Select an event to display this additional information for some types of events (for example, create and update events).
Table 65: Additional History tab properties
Property |
The property that was updated |
Old Value |
The value of the property before it was updated |
New Value |
The new value of the property |