Password Manager Reports requirements
To configure and use Password Manager reports, you must:
Install an SQL server in your environment.
Configure reporting settings on the Password Manager Administration Site. For more information, see Reporting in Password Manager 5.9.7 Administration Guide or Password Manager 5.9.7 Administration Guide (AD LDS Edition).
The report definitions included with Password Manager support all features of the SQL server versions listed in this section. All supported Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services in Password Manager support SSL connection.
Table 13: Password Manager Reports requirements
SQL Server |
The following SQL Server versions are supported:
- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 R2
- Microsoft SQL Server 2014
- Microsoft SQL Server 2016
- Microsoft SQL Server 2017
To enable Password Manager to download images:
Table 14: External URLs accessed by Password Manager
User Site |
Google api.js |
If Password Manager is used with Starling, make sure that the following sites can access the following URL: |
Administration Site | |
Self-Service Site | |
Helpdesk Site | |
For more information on how to install or upgrade One Identity Password Manager, see the following resources:
For more information on the upgrade procedure, see Upgrading Password Manager in the Password Manager 5.9.7 Administration Guide or the Password Manager 5.9.7 Administration Guide (AD LDS Edition) documents.
You can upgrade to Password Manager 5.9.7 from version 5.8.2 or later.
For more information on how to install and configure Password Manager, see Installing Password Manager in the Password Manager 5.9.7 Administration Guide, Password Manager 5.9.7 Administration Guide (AD LDS Edition), or the Password Manager 5.9.7 Quick Start Guide documents.
One Identity Password Manager requires a license key for operation. For more information on license management, see Licensing in the Password Manager 5.9.7 Administrator Guide or the Password Manager 5.9.7 Administrator Guide (AD LDS Edition) documents.