You can use Azure Active Directory token issuance policies to specify SAML token properties for logging in. To provide an Azure Active Directory token issuance policy for an Azure Active Directory application, you assign the policy to the Azure Active Directory application. For more information, see the Azure Active Directory documentation from Microsoft.
Azure Active Directory token issuance policies are loaded into One Identity Manager during synchronization and cannot be changed.
To display information about an Azure Active Directory policy
In the Manager, select the Azure Active Directory > Tenants > <your tenant> > Policies > Token issuance policies category.
In the result list, select the Azure Active Directory policy.
Select one of the following tasks:
Token issuance policy overview: This shows you an overview of the Azure Active Directory policy and its dependencies.
Change main data: Shows the Azure Active Directory policy's main data. You cannot edit the main data.
Display name: The Azure Active Directory policy's display name.
Description: Description of the Azure Active Directory policy.
Definition: Definition of the Azure Active Directory in JSON format.
Tenant: Azure Active Directory tenant that owns the policy.
Default policy: Specifies whether this is the Azure Active Directory tenant's default policy.
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You can use Azure Active Directory token lifetime policies to specify the validity of token for logging in. To provide an Azure Active Directory token lifetime policy for an Azure Active Directory application, you assign the policy to the Azure Active Directory application. For more information, see the Azure Active Directory documentation from Microsoft.
Azure Active Directory token lifetime policies are loaded into One Identity Manager during synchronization and cannot be changed.
To display information about an Azure Active Directory policy
In the Manager, select the Azure Active Directory > Tenants > <your tenant> > Policies > Token lifetime policies category.
In the result list, select the Azure Active Directory policy.
Select one of the following tasks:
Token lifetime policy overview: This shows you an overview of the Azure Active Directory policy and its dependencies.
Change main data: Shows the Azure Active Directory policy's main data. You cannot edit the main data.
Display name: The Azure Active Directory policy's display name.
Description: Description of the Azure Active Directory policy.
Definition: Definition of the Azure Active Directory in JSON format.
Tenant: Azure Active Directory tenant that owns the policy.
Default policy: Specifies whether this is the Azure Active Directory tenant's default policy.
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A user account can be linked to an employee in One Identity Manager. You can also manage user accounts separately from employees.
NOTE: It is recommended to use account definitions to set up user accounts for company employees. In this case, some of the main data described in the following is mapped through templates from employee main data.
NOTE: If employees are to obtain their user accounts through account definitions, the employees must own a central user account and obtain their IT operating data through assignment to a primary department, a primary location, or a primary cost center.
TIP: You can combine the account definition for creating the user account and the subscription that will be used into one system role. In this way, the employee automatically obtains a user account and a subscription.
An employee can obtain this system role directly through departments, cost centers, locations, or business roles, or an IT Shop request.
To create a user account
In the Manager, select the Azure Active Directory > User accounts category.
in the result list.
On the main data form, edit the main data of the user account.
- Save the changes.
To edit main data of a user account
In the Manager, select the Azure Active Directory > User accounts category.
Select the user account in the result list.
Select the Change main data task.
Edit the user account's resource data.
- Save the changes.
To manually assign a user account for an employee
In the Manager, select the Employees > Employees category.
Select the employee in the result list.
Select the Assign Azure Active Directory user accounts task.
Assign a user account.
- Save the changes.
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