In the One Identity Manager query language, comparisons between fixed values support only the operators equal to (=) and not equal to (<>).
FROM Person
WHERE 1 = 0
In the One Identity Manager query language, comparisons between fixed values support only the operators equal to (=) and not equal to (<>).
FROM Person
WHERE 1 = 0
In the One Identity Manager query language, parameters can only be compared against fixed values. All comparisons that are valid for columns can also be used for parameters.
NOTE: IN clauses and NOT IN clauses cannot be used.
WHERE @StringParameter = ''
WHERE @IntParameter > 5
WHERE @IntParameter BITSSET 4
More complex Where clauses can be specified in the One Identity Manager query language in the format of the underlying database system. They are checked for SQL injection attempts when they are run. Preformatted where clauses are enclosed in square brackets ([ and ]).
WHERE [preformatted clause]
FROM Person
WHERE [isnull(LastName, N'') = N'Einstein']
One Identity Manager provides the means to create and run multi-object reports, including totals and other aggregate functions. It is also possible to create groups and graphically represent data. Predefined reports are supplied with the schema installation. You can create and edit custom reports with Report Editor.
You can also send reports to specified email addresses using scheduled subscriptions. You can create reports for the current state or over a specified period. For every report, you can create different subscribable reports that can be requested by Web Portal users. In addition, you can embed reports in the Manager or the Designer‘s user interface.
For more information about report subscriptions, see the One Identity Manager Report Subscriptions Administration Guide and the One Identity Manager Web Designer Web Portal User Guide.
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