Safeguard for Privileged Passwords has a robust API with an easy to use tutorial. Safeguard PowerShell can be used to automate functions.
Safeguard for Privileged Passwords has a robust API with an easy to use tutorial. Safeguard PowerShell can be used to automate functions.
One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Passwords (Safeguard for Privileged Passwords) is built with an API-first design and uses a modernized API based on a REST architecture which allows other applications and systems to interact with it. Every function is exposed through the API to enable quick and easy integration, regardless of what action you perform or in which language your applications are written. There are even a few things that can only be performed via the Safeguard SPP API.
CAUTION: Starting with Safeguard for Privileged Passwords 6.8, any user that built a custom solution that monitors for events using ASP.NET SignalR will need to make changes to their solutions due to the upgrade to ASP.NET Core SignalR. For more information on this change and how to upgrade between the two versions, see the Microsoft documentation. Users that built custom solutions that do not rely on event monitoring via SignalR should not be impacted. |
NOTE: Safeguard for Privileged Passwords 6.8 versions of open source projects hosted on GitHub (SafeguardDotNet, SafeguardJava, safeguard-bash) have been updated to support ASP.NET Core SignalR so they will work with the new SignalR changes in Safeguard for Privileged Passwords 6.8.
The Safeguard for Privileged Passwords API tutorial is available on GitHub at:
Safeguard for Privileged Passwords has the following API categories:
Core: Most product functionality is found here. All cluster-wide operations: access request workflow, asset management, policy management, and so on.
https://<Appliance IP>/service/core/swagger/
Appliance: RAppliance-specific operations, such as setting IP address, maintenance, backups, support bundles, appliance management.
https://<Appliance IP>/service/appliance/swagger/
Notification: Anonymous, unauthenticated operations. This service is available even when the appliance isn't fully online.
https://<Appliance IP>/service/notification/swagger/
Event: Specialized endpoint for connecting to SignalR for real-time events.
https://<Appliance IP>/service/event/signalr
a2a: Application integration specific operations. Fetching passwords and SSH keys, making access requests on behalf of users, and so on.
https://<Appliance IP>/service/a2a/swagger
You must use a bearer token to access most resources in the API. When using the Swagger web UI (as referenced in the URLs above), click the Authorize button at the top of each page and log in using the web UI. The Swagger web UI adds the bearer token to each API request automatically. However, if you are manually making the API request or writing your own application/script, perform the following two steps to obtain a bearer token.
You must first authenticate using the OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password Credentials or Client Credentials grant types.
grant_type is required and must be set to password.
username is required and must be set to the user account you want to log in as.
password is required and must be set to the password associated with the username.
scope is required and must be set to one of the available identity provider's scope ID. The value shown in the example request, rsts:sts:primaryproviderid:local, is the default value available on all Safeguard for Privileged Passwords Appliances. User accounts that you create in Safeguard for Privileged Passwords directly (that is, not an Active Directory or LDAP account) will most likely have this scope value.
NOTE: The list of identity providers is dynamic and their associated scope ID can only be obtained by making a request to:
and parsing the returned JSON for the RstsProviderScope property.
NOTE: Certain OAuth 2.0 grant types can be disabled if they are not needed. For more information, see Local Login Control.
If you want to authenticate using a client certificate, you must use the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials grant type in which your certificate is included as part of the SSL connection handshake and the Authorization HTTP header is ignored. Set the scope to rsts:sts:primaryproviderid:certificate or any other identity provider that supports client certificate authentication.
After successfully authenticating, your response will contain an access_token that must be exchanged for a user token to access the API.
You should now have an authorization token to be used for all future API requests. The token is to be included in the HTTP Authorization header as a Bearer token like this:
NOTE: The token will expire in accordance with the Token Lifetime setting that is configured in Safeguard for Privileged Passwords at the time the token was issued.
You can use the following API query parameters to customize the response returned from the API.
The following output parameters allow you to define the property names to be included and the property names to be used for sorting.
Output | Example | Description/Notes |
fields | GET /Users?fields=FirstName,LastName | List of property names to be included in the output. |
orderby | Get /AssetAccounts?orderby=-AssetName,Name |
List of property names to be used to sort the output. Implies descending order. |
The following paging parameters allow you to include an item count, the starting page, and the number of items per page.
Paging | Example | Description/Notes |
count | GET /Assets?count=true | Indicates, True or False, whether to return a single integer value representing the total number of items that match the given criteria. |
page & limit | GET /DirectoryAccounts?page=3&limit=100 |
page defines which page (starting with 0) of data to return. limit defines the size of the page data. |
The following operators can be used to filter the results.
Operator | Example | Description/Notes |
eq | GET /AssetAccounts?filter=Name eq 'George' | equal to |
ne | GET /Users?filter=LastName ne 'Bailey' | not equal to |
gt | GET /Assets?filter=Id gt 10 | greater than |
ge | GET /Assets?filter=Id ge 10 | greater than or equal to |
lt | GET /Assets?filter=Id lt 10 | less than |
le | GET /Assets?filter=Id le 10 | less than or equal to |
and | GET /UserGroups?filter=(Id eq 1) and (Name eq 'Angels') | both operands return true |
or | GET /UserGroups?filter=(Id eq 1) or (Name eq 'Bedford') | at least one operand returns true |
not | GET /UserGroups?filter=(Id eq 1) and not (Name eq 'Potters') | narrows the search by excluding the "not" value from the results |
contains | GET /Users?filter=Description contains 'greedy' | contains the word or phrase |
q | GET /Users?q=bob |
q can be used to search across text properties; means "contains" for all relevant properties. |
in |
GET /Users?filter=UserName in [ 'bob', 'sally', 'frank'] |
property values in a predefined set |
sw |
GET /AssetAccounts?filter=Name sw 'Sam' |
(v4 API only) starts with (for case insensitive searches use isw) |
ew |
GET /AssetAccounts?filter=Name ew 'Smith' |
(v4 API only) ends with (for case insensitive searches use iew) |
When using the filter parameter, you can use parenthesis () to group logical expressions. For example, GET/Users?filter=(FirstName eq 'Sam' and LastName eq 'Smith') and not Disabled
When using the filter parameter, use the backward slash character (\) to escape quotes in strings. For example: Get/Users?filter=UserName contains '\''
PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language used to automate tasks that manage operating systems and processes. The Safeguard for Privileged Passwords Powershell module and scripting resources can be found on GitHub here: OneIdentity/safeguard-ps.
The Safeguard for Privileged Passwords Powershell module is published to the PowerShell Gallery to make it easy to install using the built-in Import-Module cmdlet. Use the Update-Module cmdlet to get the latest functionality.
By default, Powershell modules are installed for all users. You need to be running Powershell as an Administrator to install for all users.
> Install-Module safeguard-ps
Or, you can install the modules just for you using the -Scope parameter which will never require administrator permission:
> Install-Module safeguard-ps -Scope CurrentUser
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