Administrative tasks overview
The Web Interface home page displays categories of administrative tasks supported by the Web Interface. The same categories are displayed along the vertical strip on the left side of the Web Interface window, referred to as Navigation bar. Click icons on the Navigation bar to perform the following tasks:
- Directory Management Browse for, and manage, directory objects, such as users and groups. You can navigate through containers in the directory; view, filter and select objects held in the container; and apply commands to the selected object or container.
- Search Search for, and manage, directory objects. You can select containers in the directory, and specify search criteria. The Web Interface searches in the selected containers and all of their subcontainers, and lists the objects that match your search criteria, allowing you to apply commands to objects in the list.
- Approval Perform the tasks related to approval of administrative operations. The scope of your responsibilities depends upon your role in the approval workflow processes.
- Settings Set up your personal settings that control the display of the Web Interface pages.
- Customization Add, remove, or modify user interface elements, such as menu items (commands) and pages (forms), intended to manage directory objects. This task requires the rights of Active Roles Admin.
Directory Management
Directory Management allows you to browse for, and administer, directory objects in your organization. Your Active Roles permissions determine which tasks you can perform.
Directory Management provides the following views:
- Active Directory Lists Active Directory domains managed by Active Roles, allowing you to navigate through containers in those domains. You can view, filter and select objects held in the container, and apply commands to the selected object or container.
- Managed Units Lists Managed Units defined in Active Roles, allowing you to view objects, and navigate through containers, held in Managed Units. You can filter and select objects, and apply commands to the selected object or container.
For information on how to administer Active Directory objects, see Managing Active Directory objects later in this document.
Search provides a flexible, query-based mechanism that helps locate directory objects quickly and without browsing through the directory tree. You can select containers in the directory, and build a query by specifying search criteria. The Web Interface searches in the selected containers and all of their subcontainers, and lists the objects that match your search criteria. When the objects you target are returned as the results of a search query, you can then perform the necessary administrative tasks.
You can also save the queries that you build and use them again at a later time. The Web Interface saves queries as your personal views, with each view consisting of the containers and search criteria that you select, as well as the customized sorting and column information that you specify.
For instructions on how to perform a search, see Searching for directory objects later in this document.
Approval provides you with the tools for performing tasks related to approval workflow. You can use these tools to complete approval tasks assigned to you as an Approver, and to monitor the status of the operations that you initiated, if those require approval.
For details on how to perform approval tasks, see Using Approval Workflow later in this document.