You cannot only cancel (or withdraw) requests, you can also unsubscribe them. The difference being that you can only cancel a request within the request process.
Use the Edit Requests menu to unsubscribe. These requests must have the status "assigned". Requests with the status "Assigned" are also listed in the request history but cannot be unsubscribed there.
You can unsubscribe products for other employees if you are responsible for them.
To unsubscribe products
Open Edit requests.
All requests that have been assigned to you are listed in the Renew or Unsubscribe view.
Select the desired request and click Unsubscribe.
NOTE: Request that cannot be selected here, can only be canceled. -
Enter an optional data and reason for unsubscribing in the Unsubscribe dialog and click Save.
NOTE: Use the Show request action to display additional products associated with this request.