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Safeguard Authentication Services 5.0.5 - Installation Guide

Privileged Access Suite for Unix Introducing One Identity Safeguard Authentication Services Installing and configuring Safeguard Authentication Services Installing and joining from the Unix command line Getting started with Safeguard Authentication Services Troubleshooting Enterprise package deployment

vasypd has unsatisfied dependencies

If you receive the following error message while installing the Safeguard Authentication Services vasypd Unix component, the rpcbind service may not be enabled.

svcadm: Instance "svc:/quest/vas/vasypd:default" has unsatisfied dependencies.
Error 4 starting vasypd

To enable the rpcbind service

  1. Check the dependencies of vasypd:
    # svcs -d quest/vas/vasypd
    STATE          STIME    FMRI
    disabled       Sep_14   svc:/network/rpc/bind:default
    online         Sep_14   svc:/milestone/single-user:default
    online         Sep_14   svc:/system/filesystem/local:default
  2. If rpcbind is disabled, run this command to enable it:
    # /usr/sbin/svcadm enable -s /network/rpc/bind
  3. Run the following command to start vasypd:
    # /etc/init.d/vasypd start

Enterprise package deployment

This section details how to install, upgrade, and uninstall the Safeguard Authentication Services agent on supported platforms in an enterprise environment using platform package management tools.

Installing the agent package

To install the Safeguard Authentication Services agent package

  1. Log in and open a root shell.
  2. Mount the installation ISO and run the appropriate command.

    See Additional configuration information that follows the table.

    Table 30: Authentication Services: Agent commands
    Platform Command

    Linux x86 - RPM

    # rpm -Uhv /<mount>/client/linux-x86/vasclnt-<version>-<build>.i386.rpm

    Linux x64 - RPM

    # rpm -Uhv /<mount>/client/linux-x86_64/vasclnt-<version>-<build>.x86_64.rpm

    Linux x86 - DEB

    # dpkg -i /<mount>/client/linux-x86/vasclnt-<version>-<build>.i386.deb

    Linux x64 - DEB

    # dpkg -i /<mount>/client/linux-x86_64/vasclnt-<version>-<build>_amd64.deb

    Linux s390

    # rpm -Uhv /<mount>/client/linux-s390/vasclnt-<version>-<build>.s390.rpm

    Linux s390x

    # rpm -Uhv /<mount>/client/linux-s390x/vasclnt-<version>-<build>.s390x.rpm

    SLES 11, 12, and 15 PPC

    # rpm -Uhv /<mount>/client/linux-glibc23-ppc64/vasclnt-glibc23-<version>-<build>.ppc64.rpm

    Oracle Solaris 10 and 11 x64

    # pkgadd -d /<mount>/client/solaris10-x64/vasclnt_SunOS_5.10_i386-<version>-<build>.pkg vasclnt

    Oracle Solaris 10 and 11 SPARC

    # pkgadd -d /<mount>/client/solaris10-sparc/vasclnt_SunOS_5.8_sparc-<version>-<build>.pkg vasclnt

    HP-UX PA-RISC 11i v3 (B.11.31)

    # swinstall -s /<mount>/client/hpux-pa-11v1/vasclnt_hpux-11.11-<version>-<build>.depot vasclnt

    HP-UX IA64 11i v3 (B.11.31)

    # swinstall -s /<mount>/client/hpux-ia64/vasclnt_ia64-<version>-<build>.depot vasclnt

    AIX 7.1 and 7.2

    # installp -acXd /<mount>/client/aix-71/vasclnt.AIX_5.3.<version>-<build>.bff all

    Mac OS X

    /usr/sbin/installer -pkg '/<mount>/VAS.mpkg/Contents/Packages/vasclnt.pkg' -target /

    FreeBSD 10 and 11

    pkg /<mount>/client/freebsd-x86_64/vasclnt-<build>.txz

    Amazon Linux AMI

    # rpm - Uhv /<mount>/client/linux-x86_64/vasclnt-<build>.x86_64.rpm

Additional configuration information:
  • To enable Safeguard Authentication Services authentication for all services, you must restart all services that require Safeguard Authentication Services authentication or restart the system.
  • Linux - RPM: The x86_64 Safeguard Authentication Services rpm contains 64-bit and 32-bit libraries, and has an RPM dependency on both the 32-bit libpam library and the 64-bit libpam library. If the 64-bit Linux operating system on which you are installing Safeguard Authentication Services does not have any 32-bit supporting libraries installed, use the -- nodeps RPM flag to force the installation and avoid error messages about missing dependencies.
  • Oracle Solaris: For information on Oracle Solaris 10 Zones support and installation, see Oracle Solaris 10 zones/containers support.

    In certain situations, pkgadd requests additional information. Respond appropriately for your system configuration. Initialization scripts that are part of the vasclnt package run during installation to help configure the system.

    To install the Safeguard Authentication Servicesvasypd Unix component on Oracle Solaris 10, you must have the rpcbind service enabled on the host. See vasypd has unsatisfied dependencies for more information.

  • HP-UX: Safeguard Authentication Services requires that the Unixhost system clock be synchronized with the Active Directory server’s system clock. By default, HP-UX uses xntpd for time services. To properly synchronize the system clocks either configure xntpd to sync with a Domain Controller, or disable xntpd to allow Safeguard Authentication Services to synchronize the system time.Consult the xntpd documentation for information on disabling xntpd and configuring xntpd.

    You must reboot the HP-UX machine to ensure that all of the new files are installed.HP-UX does not allow you to overwrite files that are in use—this is done as part of the boot sequence.

  • macOS: To install from the command line, you must first mount the Safeguard Authentication Services DMG image file. On macOS enter:
    hdiutil attach <media>/client/macos-106/VAS-<version>.dmg

Agent upgrade commands

To upgrade the Safeguard Authentication Services agent package

  1. Log in and open a root shell.
  2. Mount the installation ISO and run the appropriate command.

    See Additional configuration information that follows the table.

    Table 31: Authentication Services: Agent commands
    Platform Command

    Linux x86 - RPM

    # rpm -Uhv /<mount>/client/linux-x86/vasclnt-<version>-<build>.i386.rpm

    Linux x64 - RPM

    # rpm -Uhv /<mount>/client/linux-x86_64/vasclnt-<version>-<build>.x86_64.rpm

    Linux x86 - DEB

    # dpkg -i /<mount>/client/linux-x86/vasclnt-<version>-<build>.i386.deb

    Linux x64 - DEB

    # dpkg -i /<mount>/client/linux-x86_64/vasclnt-<version>-<build>_amd64.deb

    Linux s390

    # rpm -Uhv /<mount>/client/linux-s390/vasclnt-<version>-<build>.s390.rpm

    Linux s390x

    # rpm -Uhv /<mount>/client/linux-s390x/vasclnt-<version>-<build>.s390x.rpm

    SLES 11, 12, and 15 PPC

    # rpm -Uhv /<mount>/client/linux-glibc23-ppc64/vasclnt-glibc23-<version>-<build>.ppc64.rpm

    Oracle Solaris 10 and 11 x64

    # pkgadd -d /<mount>/client/solaris10-x64/vasclnt_SunOS_5.10_i386-<version>-<build>.pkg vasclnt

    Oracle Solaris 10 and 11 SPARC

    # pkgadd -d /<mount>/client/solaris10-sparc/vasclnt_SunOS_5.8_sparc-<version>-<build>.pkg vasclnt

    HP-UX PA-RISC 11i v3 (B.11.31)

    # swinstall -s /<mount>/client/hpux-pa-11v1/vasclnt_hpux-11.11-<version>-<build>.depot vasclnt

    HP-UX IA64 11i v3 (B.11.31)

    # swinstall -s /<mount>/client/hpux-ia64/vasclnt_ia64-<version>-<build>.depot vasclnt

    AIX 7.1 and 7.2

    # installp -acXd /<mount>/client/aix-71/vasclnt.AIX_5.3.<version>-<build>.bff all

    Mac OS X

    /usr/sbin/installer -pkg '/<mount>/VAS.mpkg/Contents/Packages/vasclnt.pkg' -target /

    FreeBSD 10 and 11

    pkg /<mount>/client/freebsd-x86_64/vasclnt-<build>.txz

    Amazon Linux AMI

    # rpm - Uhv /<mount>/client/linux-x86_64/vasclnt-<build>.x86_64.rpm

Additional configuration information

Note: During the upgrade, vasd reloads and updates its user and group cache. To restart the Safeguard Authentication Services caching service, see Restarting services.

Note: If you are using the licensed version of the Safeguard Authentication Services agent earlier than 3.0, see Licensing Safeguard Authentication Services for licensing instructions.

Note: Oracle Solaris: The -a vasclient-defaults option specifies an alternative default file for pkgadd administrative options that allows pkgadd to overwrite an existing package with a new package.

pkgadd does not support the concept of upgrading a package, so this allows you to upgrade without having to rejoin your machine to the Active Directory domain, or uninstalling the old version first.

Note: HP-UX: Reboot the HP-UX machine to ensure that all of the new files are installed. HP-UX does not allow you to overwrite files that are in use—this is done as part of the boot sequence.

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