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Password Manager 5.14.2 - Administration Guide (AD LDS Edition)

About Password Manager Getting Started Password Manager Architecture
Password Manager Components and Third-Party Solutions Typical Deployment Scenarios Password Manager in a perimeter network Management Policy Overview Password Policy Overview reCAPTCHA Overview User Enrollment Process Overview Questions and Answers Policy Overview Data Replication Phone-Based Authentication Service Overview Configuring Management Policy
Management Policies
Checklist: Configuring Password Manager Understanding Management Policies Adding or cloning a new Management Policy Configuring Access to the Administration Site Configuring Access to the Password Manager Self-Service Site Configuring Access to the Helpdesk Site Configuring Questions and Answers Policy Workflow overview Custom workflows Custom Activities Password Manager Self-Service Site workflows Helpdesk Workflows User Enforcement Rules
General Settings
General Settings Overview Search and Logon Options Import/Export Configuration Settings Outgoing Mail Servers Diagnostic Logging Scheduled Tasks Web Interface Customization Instance Reinitialization Realm Instances AD LDS Instance Connections Extensibility Features RADIUS Two-Factor Authentication Internal Feedback Customizing help link URL Password Manager components and third-party applications Unregistering users from Password Manager Bulk Force Password Reset Fido2 key management Working with Redistributable Secret Management account Email templates
Upgrading Password Manager Password Policies Enable 2FA for Administrators and Enable 2FA for HelpDesk Users Reporting Accounts Used in Password Manager for AD LDS Appendix B: Open Communication Ports for Password Manager for AD LDS Customization Options Overview Third-party contributions Glossary

Email Administrator if Workflow Fails

You can use this activity in any helpdesk workflow to notify an administrator about errors occurred in a workflow. For example, to notify the administrator that errors occurred when a helpdesk operator attempted to reset user’s password, use this activity in the Reset Password workflow.

In the Administrator’s email address text box, specify the email address of the administrator you want to receive notifications.

User Enforcement Rules

User enforcement rules allow you to force users to create and update their Q&A profiles and notify users about password expiration. Password Manager offers three user enforcement rules: Invite users to create/update Q&A profiles, Remind users to create/update Q&A profiles, and Remind users to change password.

Invite Users to Create/Update Profiles

By using this user enforcement rule you can configure Password Manager to invite users to register with Password Manager or update their Questions and Answers profiles. If you configure this enforcement rule, users will be notified by email.

The notification schedule is defined by the Invitation to Create/Update Profile scheduled task. Note that notification starts only after this scheduled task has run. For more information on the scheduled tasks, see Invitation to Create/Update Profile Task.

NOTE: If you disable the Invitation to Create/Update Profile scheduled task, users will not be enforced to create or update their profiles.

This enforcement rule is disabled by default. To enable the rule, on the Home page of the Administration Site, expand the required enforcement rules section, click Invite Users to Create/Update Q&A Profiles, then click Enable.

To configure this enforcement rule, you must specify a user scope, conditions when an email notification should be sent and an email notification text.

To configure this enforcement rule

  1. Connect to the Administration Site by typing the Administration Site URL in the address bar of your web browser. By default, the URL is http://<ComputerName>/PMAdminADLDS/.

    NOTE: When prompted to log in, provide your domain user name in a domainname\username format.

  2. Select the Management Policy you want to modify.

  3. Expand the Enforcement Rules section and click Invite Users to Create/Update Profiles.

  4. To set the user scope of this rule, click Configure under Configure the rule’s scope, specify the following settings and click Save:

    Table 7: Configure scope of rule



    Users from the user scope of the Management Policy

    Select this option to include all users from the Management Policy user scope to the enforcement rule scope.

    The following users

    Select this option to specify groups included to and excluded from the enforcement rule scope.

    Users included both in the Management Policy user scope and the following groups

    Specify groups included in the enforcement rule scope. Note, that only users belonging both to the Management Policy user scope and the specified groups will be included in the enforcement rule scope. To browse for groups, click Add, select the required groups and click Save.

    Users excluded from the rule’s scope

    Specify groups excluded from the enforcement rule scope. To browse for groups, click Add, select the required groups and click Save.

  5. To specify the conditions under which users should be notified to create or update their Q&A profiles, click Configure under Notify users who meet the following condition, select one or more of the following options and click OK:
    Table 8: User notifications



    User is not registered with Password Manager

    Select to force users to register with Password Manager by creating Q&A profiles, if users are not registered with Password Manager.

    The question user answered to register was modified or deleted

    Select to have users update their Q&A profiles if one or more questions which users answered to register were modified or deleted.

    User's Q&A profile contains fewer questions than required for registration

    Select to have users update their Q&A profiles if you have added one or more questions required for registration, thus making the list of such questions longer than it was before users’ profiles were last updated.

    User’s answers are shorter than required

    Select to have users update their Q&A profiles if any of users' answers contain fewer characters than the current settings require.

    User-defined questions are shorter than required

    Select to have users update their Q&A profiles if any of the user-defined questions contain fewer characters than the current settings require.

    User has specified the same answer for several questions

    Select to have users update their Q&A profiles if Q&A profiles contain the same answer for different questions if the current settings specify the opposite.

    Settings for encrypting user's answers have been changed since Q&A profile creation

    Select to have users update their Q&A profiles if the current encryption setting (defined by the Store answers using reversible encryption option in the Q&A profile settings) has been changed since Q&A profile creation. For example, when users created their profiles, the option was disabled, and later the option became enabled, and vice versa.

    The question list users answered to create Q&A profile was removed or disabled

    Select to have users update their Q&A profiles if the question list they used when registering was deleted or disabled. For example, if the question list in a particular language was deleted.

    User's Q&A profile is older than the specified value

    Select to force users to update their Q&A profiles, if their last update exceeds the specified maximum value (in days).

  6. To edit the notification template, use a WYSIWYG editor in the Configure email notification section.

  7. To define the default notification language, click the language link next to the Default language option and select the required language.

  8. To specify the notification text in another language, click Add new language and select the required language. Notification templates in 17 languages are available out of the box (English, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Spanish, Polish, Czech, Swedish). The language of the notification message corresponds to the language of a user’s Q&A profile. If the corresponding language is not available, the notification message is sent in the default language.

  9. To specify the daily number of new users who will be invited to create or update their Q&A profiles, enter the number in the Set the daily number of users to be invited spin box. Use this option to reduce server load and enhance performance.

  10. Click Save.

IMPORTANT: To send email notifications to users, you must specify an outgoing mail server (SMTP server). For more information on how to configure the SMTP server, see Outgoing Mail Servers.

Remind Users to Create/Update Profiles

By using this enforcement rule, you can configure Password Manager to remind users to create or update their Q&A profiles. If you configure this enforcement rule, users will be notified by email.

For this enforcement rule you can configure multiple notification scenarios depending on the invitation date.

The notification is performed by the Reminder to Create/Update Profile scheduled task. Note that email notification starts only after this scheduled task has run. For more information on the scheduled tasks, see Reminder to Create/Update Profile Task.

IMPORTANT: To notify users by email, the Reminder to Create/Update Q&A Profile scheduled task should be enabled.

This enforcement rule is disabled by default. To enable the rule, on the Home page of the Administration Site, expand the required enforcement rules section, click Remind Users to Create/Update Q&A Profiles, then click Enable.

To configure this enforcement rule, you must specify a user scope and notification scenarios.

To configure the enforcement rule user scope

  1. Connect to the Administration Site by typing the Administration Site URL in the address bar of your Web browser. By default, the URL is http://<ComputerName>/PMAdminADLDS/.

    NOTE: When prompted to log in, provide your domain user name in a domainname\username format.

  2. Select the Management Policy you want to modify.

  3. Expand the Enforcement Rules section and click Remind Users to Create/Update Q&A Profiles.

  4. To set the user scope of this rule, click Configure under Configure the rule’s scope, specify the following settings and click Save:

Table 9: Configure the scope of the rule



Users from the user scope of the Management Policy

Select this option to include all users from the Management Policy user scope to the enforcement rule scope.

The following users

Select this option to specify groups included to and excluded from the enforcement rule scope.

Users included both in the Management Policy user scope and the following groups

Specify groups included in the enforcement rule scope. Note, that only users belonging both to the Management Policy user scope and the specified groups will be included in the enforcement rule scope. To browse for groups, click Add, select the required groups and click Save.

Users excluded from the rule’s scope

Specify groups excluded from the enforcement rule scope. To browse for groups, click Add, select the required groups and click Save.

To configure notification scenarios

  1. Connect to the Administration Site by typing the Administration Site URL in the address bar of your Web browser. By default, the URL is http://<ComputerName>/PMAdminADLDS/.

    NOTE: When prompted to log in, provide your domain user name in a domainname\username format.

  2. Select the Management Policy you want to modify.

  3. Expand the Enforcement Rules section and click Remind Users to Create/Update Q&A Profiles.

  4. To add a new notification scenario, click Add, or to modify an existing notification scenario click Edit in the Apply the following notification scenarios to users from the rule’s scope section.

  5. In the User was invited to create/update Q&A profile N days ago option, enter the required number of days to apply this enforcement rule to users who were invited to register with Password Manager or update their Q&A profiles the specified number of days ago. Click Next.

  6. Edit the email notification template if necessary. Specify the following settings if required and click OK:

    • To define the default notification language, click the language link next to the Default language option and select the required language.

    • To specify the notification text in another language, click Add new language and select the required language. Notification templates in 17 languages are available out of the box (English, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Spanish, Polish, Czech, Swedish).

    IMPORTANT: To send email notifications to users, you must specify an outgoing mail server (SMTP server). For more information on how to configure the SMTP server, see Outgoing Mail Servers.

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