System connector for connecting to an Active Directory system.
System connector for connecting to an Active Directory system though One Identity Active Roles.
System connector for connecting to an Azure Active Directory system.
Mapping from which to inherit a mapping.
Base objects contain data about the target system to be synchronized, its system connection and the synchronization server.
Mapping a cloud application in the Universal Cloud Interface Module's One Identity Manager.
The system connector extends the target system schema with additional information which is required for mapping in the Synchronization Editor.
System connector which allow data to be imported from CSV files.
System connection to the One Identity Manager database.
Direction in which synchronization is run. The master system is defined by the direction of synchronization.
System connector for connecting to an Exchange Online system.
A schema can be customized in the Synchronization Editor, for example, to allow or simplify mapping of complex schema properties. Label the modified schema as "extended schema".
see revision filter; see object filter; see system filter; see object selection
System connector for connecting to an G Suite.
Used to limit the number of objects to be loaded directly into the target system. It is based on the real objects of the target system. This filter can be used for defining the scope.
System connector for connecting to an IBM Notes system.
Objects which occur in both of the connected systems
Server with the One Identity Manager Service installed.
System connector for connecting to an LDAP system.
Post processing of data that could not be saved during synchronization.
List of object matching rules and property mapping rules which map the schema properties of two connected systems to one another.
Direction of synchronization permitted for mapping schema properties.
System connector for connecting to a Microsoft Exchange system.
System connector for connecting to an external database.
Filter for limiting the results of the scope. For example, the system objects of an Active Directory domain are limited to one container.
Specifies how a concrete object of a target system schema class can be set in relation to a concrete schema class object of a One Identity Manager schema. An object matching rule encompasses the target system schema property based on which the target system objects can be uniquely identified.
Filter for limiting the number of objects to synchronize. For example, the system objects of an Active Directory domain are limited to one container. You can also filter single objects.
System connector for connecting to a One Identity Manager database.
The One Identity Manager data model.
System connector for connecting to an Oracle E-Business Suite.
Percentage with which the reload threshold, partition size and bulk level are applied to an object type.
Method used to process objects within a synchronization step. Example: Add object (insert), update object (update), delete object (delete). Processing methods and their mandatory parameters are define with the schema type.
Template used by the project wizard to create a preconfigured synchronization project.
Wizard which aids configuration of synchronization projects.
Describes how a target system schema property is mapped in the One Identity Manager schema.
Actual changes to an object in the One Identity Manager database (added, modified, deleted) are made immediately written to the target system.
A set of system object that can be processed in a synchronization step with a particular processing method.
Used to resolve reference between objects of different systems. The reference scope specifies the system in which objects for resolving references may be found.
Objects that only occur in one of the two system systems involved in synchronizing.
Job server installed with the RemoteConnectPlugin and the target system connector is installed. If direct access to the target system is not possible, a remote connection can be set up. Communication between the Synchronization Editor and Target System is done through a remote connection server.
Highest value for change data for all system objects to be synchronized when synchronization is run. This value is saved in the table "DPRRevisionStore", column "value".
Filters all system objects not changed since the last synchronization. The deciding factor being the revision property modification. Synchronization can be speeded up with revision filtering.
Schema property containing the revision counter of a system object. Objects that have not changed since the last synchronization are found through the revision property.
A change that was not made in the synchronization master system. Example: the direction of synchronization is define as "target system". This makes One Identity Manager the master system for synchronization. Changes to the target system are identified as invalid.
System connector for connecting to an SAP R/3 system.
Data model of a connected system. The schema describes all the master data from the connected system. see target system schema; see One Identity Manager schema; see connector schema; see extended schema
The component of Synchronization Editor which shows details of the connected target system's entire schema and the details of the entire One Identity Manager schema.
Subset of a schema type. The result list of a schema type is filtered by defined criteria. Example: Active Directory contacts are Active Directory user accounts with the property objectclass = "CONTACT".
The component of the schema browser which can be used to edit user-specific virtual schema properties.
Property of a schema type. Refers to exactly one column of a table or view of the database based schema or exactly one object type property of the non-database based schema.
Defines an object type within a schema. Refers to exactly one table or view of the database based schema or exactly one object type of the non-database based schema.
System connector, which connects a cloud application using the System for Cross-domain Identity Management specification.
Section of a connected system which should be synchronized. The scope is defined with a filter.
System connector for connecting to a SharePoint farm.
System connector for connecting to a SharePoint Online farm.
Specifies which synchronization configuration components are used for a specific synchronization. Specifies the synchronization schedule.
The process of comparing data between One Identity Manager and a target system. Objects and their properties are compared by fixed rules. Synchronization results in the identical data situation in the target system and One Identity Manager database.
One Identity Manager table with information about referenced objects which could not be assigned by synchronization.
One Identity Manager tool for configuring target system synchronization.
Synchronization Editor components with which synchronization projects can be created on the command line.
Synchronization Editor components with which synchronization projects can be created by Windows PowerShell CmdLet.
One Identity Manager component which executes synchronization and provisioning tasks.
System which is verified as data master. The master system is specified by the direction of synchronization.
Recent changes to an object in the target system (modified, deleted) are immediately written to the One Identity Manager database.
A collection of all data required for synchronizing and provisioning a target system. Connection data, schema classes and properties, mappings, and synchronization workflows all belongs to this.
Job server installed with the target system connector. All One Identity Manager actions are executed against the target system environment on the synchronization server.
Specific rule for processing exactly two schema classes.
Software interface for accessing a connected system.
Used to limit the number of objects to synchronize in the connected system. The connector only loads the object found through this filter.
Object from the target system. A system object always belongs to a schema class.
An instance of a target system in which the employees managed by One Identity Manager have access to network resources. Example: An Active Directory domain X for target system type "Active Directory", a directory Y for target system type "LDAP", a client Z for target system type "SAP R/3".
The component of Synchronization Editor with which objects in the connected system can be viewed and edited.
Data model of a specific target system. Describes all the data originating from the target system.
Post processing of objects that were marked as outstanding by synchronization.
Grouping similar target systems. Example: Active Directory, LDAP, SharePoint.
System connector for connecting to the Universal Cloud Interface.
Used to configure synchronization configuration for different systems. Each variable set contains at least the variables for the system connection parameter. The value of the variables are redefined for different uses.
Schema class property added by the system connector or the user.
System connector for connecting non-native supported target systems. Windows PowerShell cmdlets are used to execute read/write operations in the target system.
Collection of all the synchronization steps to be executed.
Wizard which aids configuration of synchronization workflows.