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Identity Manager 8.1.5 - User Guide for One Identity Manager Tools User Interface

About this guide One Identity Manager tools user interface
The user interface layout Using the help in the Manager Status bar information Current user Menu items in the Manager Views in the Manager Manager program settings Reloading modifications to the user interface Detailed information about the user interface Limiting list entries using the list limit Limiting list sizes using simple filters Searching for list entries User-defined filters in the Manager Database search in the Manager Displaying advanced properties of an object Multiple object edit in the Manager Committing data on change conflicts
Working with the Designer

Entering multiple values

If a column is suitable for entering multiple values, you will see extra icons next to the input field.

Figure 12: Entering multiple values

Table 20: Icons for entering multiple properties
Icon Meaning
Insert data. A separate input form opens.
Delete data.

Setting values

Use the slider to set a value within a defined range. The value appears next to the slider and can be displayed in full with the tooltip. The color indicates how critical the value is assessed to be.

Figure 13: Slider

Entering scripts

This input field is used in the editors when the input data needs to have a specified syntax (for example SQL, XML, or VB.Net). It has an advanced edit mode that provides additional actions.

To switch to advanced mode

  • Press Ctrl + Alt + Enter or click the button at the bottom right.

Figure 14: Directly entering a database query

Table 21: Meaning of icon in advanced edit mode
Icon Meaning

Quits advanced edit mode.

Undoes last change.

Redoes last change.

Cuts selected code.

Copies selected code into clipboard.

Inserts code from clipboard.

Deletes selected code.

Decreases insert.

Increases insert.

Automatic text formatting.

Shows/hides line numbers.

Inserts code snippet.

Word wraps automatically.

Searches within code.

Additional input aids are provided for creating script code.

Syntax highlighting

The input fields support syntax highlighting depending on the syntax type.


Auto-completion can be used when creating script code. The amount of scripted code to enter is reduced by displaying the names of properties or functions that can be used. To use auto-completion, use the shortcut Ctrl + SPACE in the relevant positions within the input fields. The contents of the list is determined by the key words in the code.

Entering code snippets

Input fields that required data in VB.Net syntax support code snippets. In the Visual Basic category, general code snippets are provided. The Object Layer category contains special code snippets for the One Identity Manager object layer.

You can insert code snippets using the following options:

  1. Using the icon
    • Select the icon.
    • Select the Object Layer or Visual Basic category.
    • Select the code snippet.
  2. Using a shortcut
    • Press F2.
    • Select the Object Layer or Visual Basic category.
    • Select the code snippet.
  3. Using an aliases
    • Enter an alias.
    • Use Tab to insert the code snippet.

      NOTE: Case sensitivity applied when you enter the alias.
NOTE: If you select a code snippet directly using a shortcut or the icon, a short description and the shortcut name are displayed in a tooltip.
TIP: You can use custom code snippets. To do this, create a CustomSnippets directory in the One Identity Manager installation directory to store the code snippets. Use Visual Studio documentation to develop your own code snippets.
Inputting values using dollar ($) notation

In input fields where a VB.NET term is expected, a help list opens when you enter $. All properties of the current object are displayed. You can also see a tooltip with a detailed description of the property. When you select a foreign key (FK) column, you can navigate to the columns in the relevant table using the arrow keys. To end selection in the target column, press Enter or double-click. The complete $ notation for your selection should now be shown in the input column. To close the help list without copying any data, press Esc or leave the input field.

Figure 15: Help list for dollar notation

Table 22: Meaning of the symbols used in the help list
Icon Meaning

Property of current object.

Primary key (PK).

Foreign key (FK).

Dynamic foreign key


Special properties


Table 23: Help list functions
Shortcut Action

Down arrow

Opens the help list.

Up arrow, down arrow

Navigate to previous or next entry.

Left arrow, right arrow

Use the foreign key to switch to the parent object or back to the child object.


Accepts the value in dollar notation.

Entering database queries

It is sometimes necessary to enter database queries. You can enter the database queries as a SQL query directly or compile the database queries with a wizard. Use the , or buttons to switch to the appropriate view.

Table 24: Meaning of the icons
Icon Meaning
Enter a database query as a SQL query.

WHERE clause wizard.

Filter designer.
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