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Identity Manager 9.1.2 - Administration Guide for Connecting to Active Directory

Managing Active Directory environments Synchronizing an Active Directory environment
Setting up initial synchronization with an Active Directory domain Adjusting the synchronization configuration for Active Directory environments Running synchronization Tasks following synchronization Troubleshooting Ignoring data error in synchronization Pausing handling of target system specific processes (Offline mode)
Managing Active Directory user accounts and employees
Account definitions for Active Directory user accounts and Active Directory contacts Assigning employees automatically to Active Directory user accounts Supported user account types Updating employees when Active Directory user account are modified Automatic creation of departments and locations based on user account information Specifying deferred deletion for Active Directory user accounts and Active Directory contacts
Managing memberships in Active Directory groups Login information for Active Directory user accounts Mapping of Active Directory objects in One Identity Manager
Active Directory domains Active Directory container structures Active Directory user accounts Active Directory contacts Active Directory groups Active Directory computers Active Directory security IDs Active Directory printers Active Directory sites Reports about Active Directory objects
Handling of Active Directory objects in the Web Portal Basic data for managing an Active Directory environment Configuration parameters for managing an Active Directory environment Default project template for Active Directory Processing methods of Active Directory system objects Active Directory connector settings

General main data for Active Directory contacts

Enter the following data on the General tab.

Table 43: General main data
Property Description


Employee who uses the contact. An employee is already entered if the contact was generated by an account definition. If you are using automatic employee assignment, an associated employee is created when you save the contact and added to the contact. If you create the contact manually, you can select an employee in the menu.

No link to an employee required

Specifies whether the contact is intentionally not assigned an employee. The option is automatically set if a contact is included in the exclusion list for automatic employee assignment or a corresponding attestation is carried out. You can set the option manually. Enable the option if the contact does not need to be linked with an employee (for example, if several employees use the contact).

If attestation approves these contacts, these contacts will not be submitted for attestation in the future. In the Web Portal, contact that are not linked to an employee can be filtered according to various criteria.

Not linked to an employee

Indicates why the No link to an employee required option is enabled for this contact. Possible values:

  • By administrator: The option was set manually by the administrator.

  • By attestation: The contact was attested.

  • By exclusion criterion: The contact is not associated with an employee due to an exclusion criterion. For example, the contact is included in the exclude list for automatic employee assignment (configuration parameter PersonExcludeList).

Account definition

Account definition through which the contact was created.

Use the account definition to automatically populate contact main data and to specify a manage level for the contact. One Identity Manager finds the IT operating data of the assigned employee and uses it to populate the corresponding fields in the contact.

NOTE: The account definition cannot be changed once the contact has been saved.

To create the contact manually through an account definition, enter an employee in the Employee field. You can select all the account definitions assigned to this employee and through which no contact has been created for this employee.

Manage level

Contact's manage level. Select a manage level from the menu. You can only specify the manage level can if you have also entered an account definition. All manage levels of the selected account definition are available in the menu.

First name

The contact’s first name. If you have assigned an account definition, the input field is automatically filled out with respect to the manage level.

Last name

The contact's last name. If you have assigned an account definition, the input field is automatically filled out with respect to the manage level.


The contact’s initials. If you have assigned an account definition, the input field is automatically filled out with respect to the manage level.


Contact’s academic title. If you have assigned an account definition, the input field is automatically filled out with respect to the manage level.

Display name

The contact’s display name. The display name is made up of the contact’s first and last names.

Structural object class

Structural object class representing the object type. Normally you set up contacts in One Identity Manager using the CONTACT object class.


The contact’s identifier. The identifier is made up of the contact’s first and last names.

Distinguished name

Contact's distinguished name. The distinguished name is formatted from the contact's identifier and the container and cannot be changed.


Domain in which to create the contact.


Container in which to create the contact. If you have assigned an account definition, the container is determined from the company IT data for the assigned employee depending on the manage level of the user account. The distinguished name for the contact is determined by a template when the container is selected.

Email address

Contact's email address. If you assigned an account definition, the email address is made up of the employee’s default email address depending on the manage level of the user account.

Risk index (calculated)

Maximum risk index value of all assigned groups. The property is only visible if the QER | CalculateRiskIndex configuration parameter is set. For more information, see the One Identity Manager Risk Assessment Administration Guide.


Category for the contact to inherit groups. Groups and be selectively inherited by contacts. To do this, the groups and contacts are divided into categories. Select one or more categories from the menu.


Text field for additional explanation.


Contact's type of identity.

Groups can be inherited

Specifies whether the employee's groups are inherited. If this option is set, contacts inherit groups through hierarchical roles.

If you add an employee with a contact to an apartment, for example, and you have assigned groups to this department, the contact inherits the groups.

Protected from accidental deletion

Specifies whether to protect the contact against accidental deletion. If the option is set, the permissions for deleting the contact are removed in Active Directory. The contact cannot be deleted or moved.

Related topics

Contact data for Active Directory contacts

Enter the data used by this contact for contacting the employee by telephone on the Contact tab.

Table 44: Contact data
Property Description


Telephone number.

Phone private

Private telephone number.


Fax number.

Mobile phone

Mobile number.


Pager number.



IP telephone number

IP telephone number.


Text field for additional explanation.

Further data for identifying Active Directory contact

Enter the address data used by this contact for contacting the employee on the Identification tab.

Table 45: Main data for identification
Property Description




Street or road.



Zip code

Zip code.





Country ID

The country ID.


Employee's company.


Employee's department

Job description

Job description.

Employee ID

Employee's unique marker, for example their ID.

Account manager

Manager responsible for the contact.

To specify an account manager

  1. Click next to the field.
  2. In the Table menu, select the table that maps the account manager.
  3. In the Account manager menu, select the manager.
  4. Click OK.

Extension data for Active Directory contacts

On the Extensions tab, you enter the user-defined Active Directory schema extensions for the contact.

Table 46: Extensions data
Property Description

Extensions data

Custom extension data in binary format.

Attribute extension 01 - attribute extension 15

Additional company-specific information. Use the Designer to customize display names, formats, and templates for the input fields.

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