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Identity Manager 9.1.3 - User Guide for One Identity Manager Tools User Interface

About this guide One Identity Manager tools user interface
The user interface layout Using the help in the Manager Status bar information in the Manager Current user Menu items in the Manager Views in the Manager Manager program settings Reloading changes to the user interface Detailed information about the user interface Limiting list entries using the list limit Limiting list sizes using simple filters Searching for list entries User-defined filters in the Manager Database search in the Manager Displaying extended properties for objects Multiple object edit in the Manager Committing data on change conflicts
Working with the Designer

Status bar information in the Manager

The status bar displays different status data. Some status data is shown by way of icons. Which icons are displayed is partially dependent on the program settings selected. The status bar comes in different colors.

Table 1: Meaning of the colors
Color Meaning


Database for development is connected.


Simulation mode is enabled.


Database for testing is connected.


Database for production is connected.

Table 2: General icons in the status bar
Icon Meaning

Current user.

The DBQueue Processor was stopped.

The services were stopped.

The database is connected.

Database status (database activity such as loading or saving objects).

The database must be compiled.

The database is in recovery mode. It is not possible to process data at this time.

There are invalid script assemblies. The database must be compiled.

No connection.
Display for step-by-step preparation of a database update. All database users will be informed about the upcoming update. The system does accept anymore processes.
Display for step-by-step preparation of a database update. Users cannot log in to the database anymore. All running processes will still be completed.
Display for step-by-step preparation of a database update. The database is updating.

Information available.

A warning was reported.

An error was reported.

Table 3: Additional icon in the status bar in the Manager
Icon Meaning

Quick edit mode is enabled.

The field definitions (technical tables and column names) are displayed.

Additional information on the navigation objects is displayed.

The program is in simulation mode.

The system data was modified.

The Manager's status bar also shows the following information:

  • The connected database in the following format: <Server>\<database (description)>

  • The definition of the current object

  • The name of the activated form in the following format: <logical form> [(<physical form>)]

TIP: Double-click the name in the status bar to copy the object definition, the form name or the database connection name to the clipboard.

Related topics

Current user

The program's status bar shows the name of the current user. Depending on the authentication module used, this can be the full name of the person or the designation of the current system user. Use the tooltip to show the full name of the current user and the current system user.

To get more information about the current user

  • To display user information, double-click the icon in the program status bar.

Table 4: Extra information about the current user
Property Meaning

System users

Name of system user

Authenticated by

Name of the authentication module used for logging in.

Employee UID (UserUID)

Unique ID for the current user’s employee if an employee related authentication module is used to log in.

SQL access level

Access level of the database server used to log in.


The system user has only has read permissions. Modification to data are not possible.

Dynamic user

The current user uses a dynamic system user. Dynamic system users are applied when a role-based authentication module is used.

Administrative user

The current user uses an administrative system user.


More details about the system user in use.

Permissions group

Permissions groups that are assigned to the system user. The permissions groups determine the user's user interface and object permissions.

Program functions

Program functions assigned to the system user The menu items and functions available depend on the program functions.

Changing the password of the logged in user

To change the password:

  1. Select the Database > Change password menu item and enter the following information:

    • Old password: Enter the previous password.

    • New password: Enter the new password.

    • Confirm new password: Enter the new password again.

      NOTE: The password must comply with the password policy. To display the requirements, click the Password requirements link.

  2. Save with OK.

Menu items in the Manager

Table 5: Meaning of items in the menu bar
Menu Menu item Meaning Shortcut


New connection

Establishes a database connection.

Ctrl + Shift + N

Close connection

Closes the current database connection.


Change management

Opens a dialog box for editing change labels. This menu item is only available in expert mode.


Start/stop simulation

The program switches to simulation mode or to working mode.

For more information about the simulation, see the One Identity Manager Operational Guide.


Change management

Opens a dialog box for editing change labels. This menu item is only available in expert mode.

For more information about working with change labels, see the One Identity Manager Operational Guide.


Export data

A form opens in which you can confirm the export data.

For more information about exporting data, see the One Identity Manager Operational Guide.


Show deferred operations

Deferred operations are displayed.

For more information about planning activation times, see the One Identity Manager Operational Guide.


Pending changes

Shows changes pending for objects and their processing status.


Check data consistency

This opens the consistency check form.

For more information about checking data consistency, see the One Identity Manager Operational Guide.


Change password

The logged in user can change the password.



For configuring general program settings.



Exits the program.

Alt + F4



A new object with the displayed object type is added.

Ctrl + N


Saves all changes to an object.

Ctrl + S

Set the change time stamp

You can set the time of the change.

For more information about planning activation times, see the One Identity Manager Operational Guide.



Deletes selected object.

Ctrl + D

Set the deletion time

You can set the time that the object is deleted.

For more information about planning activation times, see the One Identity Manager Operational Guide.


Undo delete

After confirmation, the deletion process is reversed. This option is only available if the object was marked for deletion.


Discard changes

Any unsaved form entries are discarded.

Ctrl + Shift + D


The object is reloaded.

Ctrl + F5


Show other properties of the active object. This menu item is only available in expert mode.


Reapply templates

All object templates are reapplied. This menu item is available only in the object's main data form.


Add to favorites or remove from favorites

Add the current object to your favorites or remove it from your favorites. These options are shown alternately.

Ctrl + B


Shows the previous form in the order in which the forms were viewed.

Alt + left arrow


Shows the next form in the order in which the forms were viewed.

Alt + right arrow key



Activates the navigation view.

Ctrl + Q

Result list

Opens the result list.

Ctrl + R


Enables the current document.

Ctrl + O


Shows or hides the favorites list.



Shows or hides the task view.


Error log

Shows or hides the error log.


Process Information

Shows or hides the process view.



Shows or hides the TimeTrace.

For more information about TimeTrace, see the One Identity Manager Operational Guide.


Database search

Shows or hides the database search.


Start page

The start page is displayed.


Enable quick edit mode

The quick editing of objects is enabled or disabled.


Close current document

Closes the current document.


Close all documents

Closes all open documents.


Enable document

Shows all open documents. You can toggle from one open document to the next.



Changes the layout of the program’s interface.

Ctrl + Shift + L (loads in expert mode)

Display field definitions

The technical table and column names are shown in the editing forms. This menu item is only available in expert mode.


Display navigation objects

Displays the loaded navigation objects. This entry is available only if the program setting Show additional navigation information is enabled.



Name of the plugin.

Shows the available plugins so that you can apply them.




Opens the One Identity Manager community website.


Support portal

Opens the One Identity Manager product support website.



Opens the One Identity Manager training portal website.


Online documentation

Opens the One Identity Manager documentation website.



Opens the search dialog box.


Form help

Opens the help for this form.



Shows the version information for program.


Table 6: Toolbar functions
Icon Meaning

Show homepage.

Show the previous form in the order in which the forms were viewed. You can see the form history from the selection menu. You can select any form you wish from here.

Show the next form in the order in which the forms were viewed. You can see the form history from the selection menu. You can select any form you wish from here.

Show or hide the database search dialog.

Add a new object of that object type.

Saves changes.

Set time at which to save an object's changes. For more information about planning activation times, see the One Identity Manager Operational Guide.

Deletes object.

Set time at which to delete the selected object. For more information about planning activation times, see the One Identity Manager Operational Guide.

Redo delete. This option is only available if the object was marked for deletion.

Discard unsaved changes from the form.

Update object.

Add object to favorites.

Remove object from favorites.

Print form. Printer settings are configured in the configuration menu.

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