Add local or Active Directory users to a local group from a local group's properties.
To add users to a local group
From the Groups tab on the host's properties, right-click a group name and choose Properties.
You can also double-click the group name to open its properties.
Select the Members tab, open the Add menu and choose Local user.
Note: The AD user option is only available when you are logged in as an Active Directory user for a host that is joined to Active Directory. See Adding AD user to a local group for details.
On the Select Local User dialog, search for and select a local user from the list and click OK.
Note: To find a particular user you can filter the list of users. Enter one or more characters in the Search for users box. The mangement console automatically displays the users whose name contains the characters you enter. To redisplay the original list, click the
button on the Search for users box.
You can also select one of the following options from the user type drop-down menu:
All users
All non-system users
System users
Users requiring AD logon (requires Authentication Services 4.x)
Users not requiring AD logon (requires Authentication Services 4.x)
Click OK on the Members tab to save your selections.
The mangement console adds the users with an
icon to the list on the Members tab.
On the Log on to Host dialog, enter the user credentials and click OK.
Note: This task requires elevated credentials.