You can run the Active Roles Log Viewer application from the Start menu or from the Apps page, depending on the version of your Windows operating system. Alternatively, you can also start the application by navigating to its .exe file in the installation folder:
\Active Roles Diagnostic Tools\Log Viewer\arlogviewer.exe
To open a log in Log Viewer
In the Active Roles Log Viewer application, click Open.
Browse to the diagnostic log file or saved event log file you want to open.
Select the file, and click Open.
By default, Log Viewer displays a list of errors encountered by the Administration Service and recorded in the log file. To analyze these errors further, and look for information about them, right-click an error in the list, then click Look for solution in Knowledge Base. Log Viewer then searches the One Identity Knowledge Base to list the Knowledge Base Articles related to the error you selected.
Additional tasks in Log Viewer
Besides opening and troubleshooting logs, you can also perform the following tasks in Log Viewer:
To view a list of requests processed by the Administration Service and traced in the log file, click Requests in the View area on the Log Viewer toolbar.
To view all trace records found in the diagnostic log file or all events found in the event log file, click Raw log records in the View area on the Log Viewer toolbar.
To search the list for a particular text string, such as an error message, type the text string in the Search box on the Log Viewer toolbar, then press Enter.
To narrow the set of list items to those you are interested in, click Filter on the Log Viewer toolbar and specify the desired filter conditions.
To view detailed information about an error, request, trace record or event, right-click the corresponding list item, and click Details.
To view all trace records that apply to a given request, right-click the corresponding item in the Requests list and click Stack trace.
NOTE: Stack tracing is not available for event log files.
To view the request that caused a given error, right-click the error in the Errors list and click Related request. This task is unavailable in case of an event log file.
NOTE: Stack tracing is not available for event log files.
To view all trace records that apply to the request that caused a given error, right-click the error in the Errors list and click Stack trace for related request. This task is unavailable in case of an event log file.