Steps to troubleshoot DIGIPASS hardware token issues are:
Steps to troubleshoot DIGIPASS hardware token issues are:
If the answer is Yes to any of the next questions, refer to the steps described in One Identity Knowledge Article SOL45444 “Defender token failures”.
If the answer to the above questions is No, go to the next step.
If so, this means the token is set to display it’s type, that is, DIGIPASS GO 7, before the number. This is not an error. Ask the user to log on with the number displayed. If this is not successful, go to the next step.
If a six digit number is displayed immediately, go to the next step.
Gather and record the following information:
If a hardware issue has been ruled out by the previous troubleshooting steps, and user logon is failing, refer to the steps below. Typically the user will receive the message “invalid synchronous response”. This may have a number of causes. Follow the process of elimination below to help diagnose the error.
If the issue persists, go to the next step.
If the issue persists, go to the next step.
If the issue persists, go to the next step.
If the issue is not resolved by adding the user to the Access Node, go to the next step.
If Step 1: Determine type of failure and Step 2: Verify Defender configuration have not resolved the issue, further diagnostics may be required.
The following information may be useful to help diagnosis of the issue when raising a case with One Identity Support.
Default location of the Defender Security Server log files
%ProgramFiles%\One Identity\Defender\Security Server\Logs.
User and token information that may be required
Test token
Test the token response in the Active Directory Users and Computers tool: Open the Properties dialog box for the user, click the Defender tab, select token, click Test, and then enter the token response from the token.
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