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Active Roles 8.1.3 - Web Interface Configuration Guide

Introduction to the Web Interface Deploying the Web Interface Getting started with the Web Interface Web Interface Basics Performing Management Tasks Using Approval Workflow Customizing the Web Interface
About Web Interface customization Web Interface customization terms Configuring Web Interface menus Configuring Web Interface forms Web Interface customization examples Web Interface global settings Customizing the Web Interface Navigation bar Customizing the Web Interface Home page Configuring Web Interface for enhanced security
Default Commands Glossary

Configuring Google Chrome

To access the Active Roles Web Interface, Google Chrome must have JavaScript and cookies enabled.

To enable JavaScript and cookies in Google Chrome

  1. Click the Chrome menu button on the browser toolbar, then click Settings.

  2. On the Settings page, click Show advanced settings, then click the Content settings button in the Privacy section.

  3. In the Content settings dialog, do the following:

    1. Make sure that the Allow local data to be set option is selected under Cookies.

    2. Make sure that the Allow all sites to run JavaScript option is selected under JavaScript.

    3. When finished, click Done.

Configuring Mozilla Firefox

To access the Active Roles Web Interface, Firefox must have cookies enabled.

NOTE: JavaScript, which is also required by Active Roles Web Interface, is enabled by default in Mozilla Firefox. Also, starting from Mozilla Firefox 23, you cannot disable or re-enable it in the browser settings.

To enable cookies in Mozilla Firefox

  1. Click Options on the Tools menu.

  2. In the Options dialog box, do the following:

    1. Click the Privacy button at the top of the dialog box.

    2. Make sure that the Remember history option is selected in the History area.

    3. When finished, click OK.

Connecting to the Web Interface

To connect to the Web Interface, you must know the name of:

  • The web server running the Web Interface.

  • The Web Interface site you want to access.

The default site names are as follows:

  • ARWebAdmin: The Administrator Site, supporting a broad range of administrative tasks.

  • ARWebHelpDesk: The Helpdesk Site, supporting the most common administrative tasks.

  • ARWebSelfService: The Self-Service Site, allowing end-users to manage their personal accounts.

To connect to the Web Interface

  • Launch your web browser.

  • In the address bar, enter the address of the Web Interface site you want to open, then press Enter.

For example, to connect to the default Administrator Site, enter the following URL:


In this example, <server> is the name of the web server running the Web Interface component.

Changing personal settings in the Web Interface

When using the Web Interface, you can configure various personal settings, like the user interface language, or the amount of directory objects to list per page.

To change personal settings in the Web Interface

  1. In your browser, open the Active Roles Web Interface.

  2. In the header, click Active Roles 8.1.3 > Settings.

  3. Configure the following settings as you need:

    • User interface language: Specifies the language of the Web Interface. This setting affects all menus, commands, and forms of the Web Interface, as well as tooltips and help text.

      NOTE: By default, the Web Interface contains only English localization. Installing the Active Roles Language Pack adds support for the following languages:

      • Chinese (Simplified and Traditional)

      • French

      • German

      • Portuguese (Brazilian and European)

      • Spanish

      For more information, see Active Roles Language Pack in the Active Roles Administration Guide.

    • Maximum number of objects to display in search results: Specifies the maximum number of objects to display in single-page lists, such as lists of search results or lists that show contents of containers. The supported value range is 1–20000, and the default value is 1000.

      TIP: Use this setting carefully, as displaying a large number of objects may negatively impact browser performance. Instead of displaying all objects, One Identity recommends using the available search and filtering options to find the objects you need.

    • Number of items to display per page in paged lists: Specifies the maximum number of list items displayed on a single page in multi-page lists. This setting affects only lists (such as approval task lists) that are divided into pages. The supported value range is 1–10000, and the default value is 20.

      TIP: Use this setting carefully, as specifying a small value may result in many pages to list through, while specifying a large value can negatively impact browser performance.

    • Number of page links to display for paged lists: Specifies the maximum number of page number links displayed for multi-page lists. This setting affects only lists (such as approval task lists) that are divided into pages. The supported value range is 1–1000, and the default value is 5.

    • Time (in minutes) for which the notification is visible: Specifies the number of minutes for which Web Interface notifications will be visible on the user interface. The supported value range is 0–43200, and the default value is 0. Keeping the default value of 0 results in notifications never disappearing.

    • Maximum number of notifications to be stored in Active Roles: Specifies the maximum number of notifications to be stored in the Active Roles database. The supported value range is 5–1000, and the default value is 1000.

    • Show objects owned by inheritance or secondary ownership: When selected, the My Managed Resources page of the Web Interface will also list objects of which the user is not the primary owner (manager), but the secondary or inherited owner.

  4. To apply your changes, click Save.

    TIP: Active Roles saves the personal settings on a per-user basis in the Web Interface site configuration. Once saved, the personal settings take effect regardless of which computer you use to access Web Interface. As such, you can configure different personal settings for different Web Interface sites.

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