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One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Passwords 7.5 - Administration Guide

Introduction System requirements and versions Using API and PowerShell tools Using the virtual appliance and web management console Cloud deployment considerations Setting up Safeguard for Privileged Passwords for the first time Using the web client Home page Privileged access requests Appliance Management
Appliance Backup and Retention Certificates Cluster Global Services External Integration Real-Time Reports Safeguard Access Appliance Management Settings
Asset Management
Account Automation Accounts Assets Partitions Discovery Profiles Tags Registered Connectors Custom platforms Importing objects
Security Policy Management
Access Request Activity Account Groups Application to Application Cloud Assistant Asset Groups Entitlements Linked Accounts User Groups Security Policy Settings
User Management Reports Disaster recovery and clusters Administrator permissions Preparing systems for management Troubleshooting Frequently asked questions Appendix A: Safeguard ports Appendix B: SPP and SPS join guidance Appendix C: Regular Expressions

SSH Key Discovery

You can schedule one or more SSH Key Discovery jobs to run automatically against the accounts you have added to SPP (SPP). The SSH keys in the scope of the discovery job may include SSH keys that were previously added (manually) to the SPP partition.

For more information, see Discover SSH Key settings..

When an SSH Key Discovery job runs, the found SSH keys are listed in the Discovered SSH Keys tile in the selected partition. They are also shown in Assets (under the Discovered SSH Keys tab) and in Accounts (under the Discovered SSH Keys tab).

Supported platforms

SSH Key Discovery is supported on the following platforms:

  • Hardware/Custom (A custom script is required to accommodate how keys are handled.)
  • Drac
  • Fortinet
  • Junos
  • PanOs
  • Window OS
  • General Unix style platforms
    • Linux
    • Aix
    • Hpux
    • Solaris
    • F5BigIP
    • FreeBSD
    • MacOS
Properties and toolbar

Go to SSH Key Discovery:

  • web client: Navigate to Asset Management > Discovery > SSH Keys.

Use these toolbar buttons to manage the SSH Key Discovery jobs.

Table 143: SSH Key Discovery: Toolbar
Option Description
New SSH Key Discovery Job

Add an SSH Key Discovery job. For more information, see Adding an SSH Key Discovery job..


Delete the selected SSH Key Discovery job.

View Details

Modify the selected SSH Key Discovery job. You can also double-click a row to open the edit dialog.

Discover SSH Keys

Click this button to open a new window where you can select a single account to run the selected SSH Key Discovery job on.


View the accounts associated with the selected discover SSH key settings by account Name and Asset Name. The Inherited column has a check mark if the assignment is an inherited association via the asset. If not inherited, the accounts have an explicit assignment to a Profile/SSH Key Discovery job. For more information, see About profiles..


Use this button to export the listed data as either a JSON or CSV file. For more information, see Exporting data.


Update the list of SSH Key Discovery jobs.


Enter the character string to be used to search for a match. For more information, see Search box..

SSH Key Discovery jobs display in the grid.

Table 144: SSH Key Discovery: SSH Key Discovery job grid
Name Name of the SSH Key Discovery job.
Created By Indicates the creator of the SSH Key Discovery job.

The partition in which to manage the discovered SSH keys.


Designates when the SSH Key Discovery job runs.


Lists the number of profiles that are configured with this job. Click the link to go to the SSH Key Profiles dialog that lists the Name and Description of the SSH key profiles that are associated with this SSH key discovery job.


Lists the number of accounts that are associated with this SSH key discovery job via profile association. Click the link to view the account Name and parent System Name of this SSH key discovery job.


The description of the SSH Key Discovery job.

SSH Key Discovery job workflow

The SSH Key Discovery jobs discover SSH keys of the accounts that are in the scope of the profile. You can configure, schedule, and run SSH Key Discovery jobs. After a job has run, you can view the Discovered SSH Keys under the tab of that name. You will see the following: Key Fingerprint, Comment (that is in the key), Key Type, Key Length, Asset Name, Account Name, and Account Status ("managed" means SPP manages the account, and "disabled" means SPP does not manage the account).

  1. Set up the partition with the SSH key profile. For more information, see SSH Key Profiles tab (partitions)..
  2. Create an SSH Key Discovery job. For more information, see Adding an SSH Key Discovery job..
  3. SSH Key Discovery jobs can be scheduled to run automatically. In addition you can manually launch a job on a single account: 

    • From Asset Management > Discovery > SSH Keys select the SSH Key Discovery job to run, then click Discover SSH Keys.
  4. After the SSH Key Discovery job runs, click SSH Key Discovery Results tile to view the SSH Keys found. For more information, see SSH Key Discovery Results..

    NOTE: The discovery job finds all current SSH keys that match the discovery rule's criteria. SSH Key Discovery does not update existing accounts.

Search the Activity Center for information about discovery jobs that have run. SPP lists the SSH Key Discovery events in the SSH Key Discovery Activity category. For more information, see Activity Center..

Adding an SSH Key Discovery job

It is the responsibility of the Asset Administrator or the partition's delegated administrator to configure the rules that govern how SPP performs SSH key discovery. For more information, see SSH Key Discovery job workflow..

To add an SSH Key Discovery job

  1. Navigate to Asset Management > Discovery > SSH Keys.
  2. Click  New SSH Key Discovery Job to open the New SSH Key Discovery Job dialog.
  3. Provide the following:
    1. Name: Enter a name for the account discovery job. Limit: 50 characters.

    2. Description: Enter descriptive text about the SSH Key Discovery job. Limit: 255 characters

    3. Partition: Browse to select a partition.

    4. To identify when to Discover SSH Key, on the Schedule tab:

      • Select a time frame:

        • Never: The job will not run according to a set schedule. You can still manually run the job.
        • Minutes: The job runs per the frequency of minutes you specify. For example, Run Every 30/Minutes runs the job every half hour over a 24-hour period. It is recommended you do not use the frequency of minutes except in unusual situations, such as testing.
        • Hours: The job runs per the minute setting you specify. For example, if it is 9 a.m. and you want to run the job every two hours at 15 minutes past the hour starting at 9:15 a.m., select Run Every 2/Hours/@ minutes after the hour 15.

        • Days: The job runs on the frequency of days and the time you enter.

          For example, Run Every 2/Days/Starting @ 11:59:00 PM runs the job every other evening just before midnight.

        • Weeks The job runs per the frequency of weeks at the time and on the days you specify.

          For example, Run Every 2/Weeks/Starting @ 5:00:00 AM and Repeat on these days with MON, WED, FRI selected runs the job every other week at 5 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

        • Months: The job runs on the frequency of months at the time and on the day you specify.

          For example, If you select Run Every 2/Months/Starting @ 1:00:00 AM along with Day of Week of Month/First/Saturday, the job will run at 1 a.m. on the first Saturday of every other month.

      • Select Use Time Windows if you want to enter the Start and End time. You can click Add or Remove to control multiple time restrictions. Each time window must be at least one minute apart and not overlap.

        For example, for a job to run every ten minutes every day from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m., enter these values:

        Enter Run Every 10/Minutes and set Use Time Windows:

        • Start 10:00:00 PM and End 11:59:00 PM
        • Start 12:00:00 AM and End 2:00:00 AM

          An entry of Start 10:00:00 PM and End 2:00:00 AM will result in an error as the end time must be after the start time.

        If you have selected Days, Weeks, or Months, you will be able to select the number of times for the job to Repeat in the time window you enter.

        For a job to run two times every other day at 10:30 am between the hours of 4 a.m. and 8 p.m., enter these values:

        For days, enter Run Every 2/Days and set Use Time Windows as Start 4:00:00 AM and End 8:00:00 PM and Repeat 2.

      If the scheduler is unable to complete a task within the scheduled interval, when it finishes execution of the task, it is rescheduled for the next immediate interval.

  4. To save and close , click OK.

SSH Key Discovery Results

You can view the results of running one or more SSH Key Discovery jobs. To see the results of discoveries, see Discovered SSH Keys.

To view SSH Key Discovery Results

  1. Navigate to Asset Management > Discovery > SSH Keys > (add or edit an SSH Key Discovery job).
  2. On the SSH Key Discovery Results tab:
    • Select the time frame of the completed jobs you want to display which ranges from the last 24 hours to the last 7, 30, 60, or 90 days. Or, click Custom to create a custom time frame.
    • Click Refresh to refresh the results.
  3. To display what you want in the grid, click Search and enter the character string to be used to search for a match. For more information, see Search box..
  4. View the following information displays for each job:
    • Date/Time: The most recent date the SSH Key Discovery job successfully ran.

    • User: The user who ran the job or Automated System, if the job is run on an automated schedule.

    • Event: The outcome of running the SSH Key Discovery job event, which may be SSH Key Discovery Succeeded, SSH Key Discovery Failed, or SSH Key Discovery Started.

    • Account: The account which is associated with the SSH Key Discovery job .
    • Asset: The asset which is associated with the SSH Key Discovery job.
    • Partition: The partition in which the discovered SSH keys will be managed.
    • SSH Key Profile: The profile which will govern the discovered SSH keys.
    • Appliance: The name of the Safeguard for Privileged Passwords Appliance.
    • # SSH Keys: The number of SSH Keys found during the discovery job; click the displayed number to view the list of SSH Keys found on the account.
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