You can manage the Unix-specific information for a (missing or bad snippet) user account from the ActiveRoles Server web interface.
To Unix-enable a group
- Click the Directory Management link on the home page of the ActiveRoles Server.
- From the ActiveRoles Server directory tree, navigate to Active Directory and select the Users folder under your managed domain.
- In the details pane, click a group name link.
- From the drop-down menu, select Unix Properties.
- On the Unix Account tab, select the Unix Enabled option.
- Modify any of the Unix-related properties.
The GID Number is the unique identifier for a Unix group. Ideally, each Windows group is assigned a unique Group ID number. By default the Integration Pack generates a unique ID automatically. If you change the GID Number, the Integration Pack checks to ensure the specified value is unique among Unix-enabled groups.
- Click Save to commit your changes.