Report Item (Success) |
Report Item (Failure) |
The Active Roles internal policies are mainly intended to perform Exchange recipient management tasks, such as the task of creating a mailbox or the task of establishing an e-mail address for a group. These policies are triggered by Active Roles’ internal logic, and cannot be configured by the administrator. Active Roles performs its internal policies as appropriate to the given operation request. For example, when processing a request to create a mailbox-enabled user account, Active Roles triggers an internal policy that carries out all the actions needed to create the user mailbox on the Exchange server.
The following tables list the possible report items, one table per report section. The items in each section describe the results of the actions that were taken in accord with the respective internal policy. Report items also inform about success or failure of the policy action. In the event of a failure, the report item includes an error description.
Not all the listed items must necessarily be present in a report. An actual report only includes the report items corresponding to the policies that Active Roles performed when processing the operation request.
Report Item (Success) |
Report Item (Failure) |
User mailbox 'name' is created. |
Unable to create user mailbox 'name'. |
Legacy mailbox 'name' is created. |
Unable to create legacy mailbox 'name'. Details: Error description |
Not applicable | |
Mailbox database is set to 'database name'. |
Not applicable |
Unable to set the following properties of the mailbox. List: Property names and error description |
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