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Active Roles 8.0 LTS - Quick Start Guide

Introduction Active Roles Setup package Active Roles uninstallation System Requirements Deploying the Administration Service Deploying user interfaces Installing additional components Upgrade of an earlier version Performing a pilot deployment Deployment considerations Silent installation of Active Roles components Configuring Active Roles to Manage Hybrid Active Directory Objects Active Roles on Windows Azure VM

Upgrading other components

This section covers upgrade options for the following components of Active Roles:

  • Console (MMC Interface)
  • Management Shell
  • ADSI Provider
  • SDK
  • Collector and Report Pack
  • Synchronization Service

Upgrade of the Active Roles console

You can install the Active Roles console of version 8.0 LTS side-by-side with the Active Roles console of version 6.9, on the same computer. Alternatively, you can install the new console on a different computer. For installation instructions, see Steps to install the console earlier in the document.

To upgrade from Active Roles console of version 7.x to the latest Active Roles version, perform an in-place upgrade or a new installation with import configuration from the earlier Active Roles version. In case of an in-place upgrade, the Active Roles console is upgraded automatically to the console of latest version of Active Roles.

If you no longer need the console of version 6.9 or earlier, you can uninstall it using Programs and Features in Control Panel: Right-click MMC Interface in the list of installed programs, and then click Uninstall.

Upgrade of the Shell, ADSI Provider and SDK

The Active Roles Management Shell, ADSI Provider and SDK of version 8.0 LTS are packaged into a single component referred to as management tools. You can install management tools side-by-side with Active Roles version 6.9, on the same computer. Alternatively, you can install management tools on a different computer. Active Roles Setup installs management tools by default. You can install management tools without installing other components (see Steps to install only the Shell, ADSI Provider and SDK earlier in this document).

To upgrade from Active Roles Management Shell, ADSI Provider and SDK of version 7.x to the latest Active Roles version, perform an in-place upgrade. In case of an in-place upgrade, the Active Roles Management Shell, ADSI Provider and SDK is upgraded automatically to the components of the latest version of Active Roles.

If you no longer need the Management Shell that ships with Active Roles 6.9, you can uninstall it using Programs and Features in Control Panel: Right-click Management Shell in the list of installed programs, and then click Uninstall. Note that the Administration Service requires the Management Shell. Do not uninstall the earlier version of Management Shell from the computer running the Administration Service of version 6.9.

The Active Roles SDK is packaged as a feature of the Administration Service installation. You can uninstall it by using the Administration Service Setup wizard in maintenance mode: In Programs and Features, right-click Administration Service, and then click Change to start the Setup wizard. On the Select Features page in the wizard, choose the option to remove the SDK and Resource Kit feature.

The Active Roles ADSI Provider of version 6.9 is normally installed together with any of the Active Roles core components, such as the Administration Service, Web Interface or MMC Interface, and is removed once you have uninstalled the core components.

Upgrade of Collector and Report Pack

The Active Roles reporting components should be upgraded in the following order:

  • Collector
  • Report Pack
  • Collector’s database

To upgrade, first uninstall your earlier version of Collector and then install the new version. You can uninstall Collector by using Programs and Features in Control Panel. Once you have uninstalled your earlier version of Collector, install the new version. For installation instructions, see Steps to install Collector and Report Pack earlier in this document.

Report Pack

To upgrade, first uninstall your earlier version of the Report Pack and then install the new version. The Report Pack should be uninstalled on the computer that was initially used to install the Report Pack. You can uninstall the Report Pack by using Programs and Features in Control Panel.

Once you have uninstalled your earlier version of the Report Pack, deploy the new version. For instructions, see Steps to install Collector and Report Pack earlier in this document.

Collector’s database

The new version of the Report Pack is incompatible with the database of an earlier Collector version. To create reports based on the events held in that database, you need to import the events to the database of the new Collector version, and then specify the database of the new Collector version as the data source for the reports of the new Report Pack version. For instructions on how to configure the data source, see “Working with reports” in the Active Roles Administration Guide.

To import events from the database of an earlier Collector version

  1. Start the Collector wizard.

    You can start the Collector wizard by selecting Active Roles 8.0 LTS Collector and Report Pack on the Apps page or Start menu, depending upon the version of your Windows operating system.

  1. On the Select Task page, click Import events from an earlier database version, and then click Next.
  2. On the Source database page, click Specify, and supply the name, database type and the database server of the database used by your Collector of an earlier version. Click Next.
  3. On the Target Database page, click Specify, and supply the database type, database server, and database name of the database used by your Collector of the current version.
  4. Click Next, and wait while the wizard performs the import.
Synchronization Service

If you have synchronization workflows configured and run by Quick Connect (predecessor of Synchronization Service), or earlier versions of Synchronization Service, then you can transfer those synchronization workflows to Active Roles and have them run by Synchronization Service.

You can transfer synchronization workflows from the following Quick Connect or Synchronization Service versions:

  • Quick Connect Sync Engine 5.2.0, 5.3.0, 5.4.0, 5.4.1, or 5.5.0
  • Quick Connect Express for Active Directory 5.3.0, 5.4.0, 5.4.1, 5.5.0, or 5.6.0
  • Quick Connect for Cloud Services 3.3.0, 3.4.0, 3.5.0, 3.6.0, 3.6.1, 3.6.2, or 3.7.0
  • Quick Connect for Base Systems 2.2.0, 2.3.0, or 2.4.0
  • Synchronization Service 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, or 7.3

Performing a pilot deployment

In a large enterprise environment, a pilot project may need to be conducted before upgrading to the new Active Roles. In a pilot project, you deploy components of the new version in your production environment side-by-side with the existing installation of the components you are going to upgrade, evaluate the results, and fix problems.

Normally, a pilot project is conducted with a small group of users in the production environment where select individuals perform particular tasks using the new Active Roles version. This demonstrates that the new version works as expected and that it meets the organization’s requirements.

A pilot project is a deployment of the new Active Roles version to a subset of the user group. Those who do not participate in the pilot project perform their regular, daily work using the earlier Active Roles version. This requires that the earlier version be up and running in the production environment side-by-side with the pilot deployment.

When the pilot project is deemed successful and ready for production, you can upgrade your existing production components to the new version.

Deploying a pilot project involves the following steps:

  1. Deploying the pilot Administration Service  Deploy an instance of the Administration Service of the new Active Roles version, and update that instance with the configuration data from the database used by your production Administration Service of the earlier Active Roles version.
  2. Deploying the pilot Web Interface  Deploy an instance of the Web Interface of the new Active Roles version so that the new instance uses the Administration Service you deployed in the previous step, and create the Web Interface sites on that Web Interface instance by importing the configuration data used by your production Web Interface sites of the earlier Active Roles version.
  3. Installing the console  Install the Active Roles console of the new version.

These steps are discussed in the sections that follow.

Deploying the pilot Administration Service

When deploying your pilot instance of the Administration Service, you need to ensure that it has the same configuration as your production instances of the Administration Service. You can achieve this as follows:

  1. Create an instance of the new Administration Service. For instructions, see Upgrading the Administration Service earlier in this document.

    You can install the Administration Service of version Active Roles side-by-side with the Administration Service of version 6.9, on the same computer. Another option is to install the new Administration Service on a different computer.

  1. Import the configuration data from the database used by your production Administration Service of the earlier Active Roles version, to the new Administration Service you created in the previous step.

You can import the configuration data using the Import configuration wizard provided by Configuration Center. On the Source database page in the Import configuration wizard, specify the database used by your production Administration Service of the earlier Active Roles version. For detailed instructions, see Steps to deploy the Administration Service earlier in this document.

Optionally, you can import the management history data from the database of your production Administration Service, in addition to the configuration data (see Steps to deploy the Administration Service earlier in this document).

Transfer to new operating system or SQL Server version

When performing a pilot deployment, you may want to have the new Administration Service version installed on a server running a newer version of the Windows operating system. Additionally, you may need the database of the new Administration Service to be hosted on a newer SQL Server version. You can meet these requirements as follows:

  1. Install and configure the new Administration Service on a computer running the operating system you want. When performing initial configuration, specify the desired SQL Server instance. You are not required to specify the SQL Server instance that hosts the database of your production Administration Service of the earlier Active Roles version. You can choose any SQL Server version that meets the system requirements for the new Active Roles version.
  2. Import the configuration data and, optionally, management history data, from the database of your production Administration Service of the earlier Active Roles version to the new Administration Service you created in the previous step.

Deploying the pilot Web Interface

Once you have deployed the pilot Administration Service and updated its configuration, you can deploy the Web Interface for your pilot project. You have to ensure that your pilot instance of the Web Interface meets the following conditions:

  • Uses the Administration Service instance you have deployed for your pilot project (see Deploying the pilot Administration Service earlier in this document).
  • For each of your production Web Interface sites of the earlier Active Roles version, holds a site with the same customizations of the menus, commands, forms and other elements as the production site.

You can address these conditions as follows:

  1. For each of your production Web Interface sites of the earlier Active Roles version, identify and note down the name of the configuration object used by that site.

    You can identify your existing site configuration objects by using the Web Interface Sites Configuration wizard on the computer running your production Web Interface. For detailed instructions, see Upgrading the Web Interface earlier in this document.

  2. Create an instance of the new Web Interface, and configure it to use the Administration Service instance you have deployed for your pilot project. For details, see Upgrading the Web Interface earlier in this document.

    You can install the Web Interface of version Active Roles side-by-side with the Web Interface of version 6.9, on the same computer. Another option is to install the new Web Interface on a different computer.

  3. On the Web Interface instance you have created in Step 2, create Web Interface sites, importing site configuration data from the configuration objects you have identified in Step 1. For instructions, see Upgrading the Web Interface earlier in this document.

Optionally, delete the default sites that were created when you configured the Web Interface in Step 2. The default sites are unaware of your existing site customizations, and have the default configuration of menus, command, forms and other elements. For instructions on how to delete the default Web Interface sites, see Upgrading the Web Interface earlier in this document.

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