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Active Roles 8.0.1 LTS - Console User Guide

Introduction Getting started User or service account management Group management Computer account management Organizational Unit management Contact management Exchange recipient management

How to add a computer account to a group

To add a computer account to a group

  1. In the Console tree, locate and select the folder that contains the computer account you want to add to a group.

  2. In the details pane, right-click the computer account, then click Add to a Group.

  3. Use the Select Objects dialog to locate and select the group to which you want to add the computer account (you can select more than one group).

NOTE: Consider the following when adding a computer account to a group:

  • You can add multiple computer accounts to a group at a time: Select the accounts, right-click the selection, and click Add to a Group. To select multiple accounts, press and hold down CTRL, then click each account.

  • You can also add or remove computer accounts from groups by using the Properties dialog: Select one or more accounts, right-click the selection, click Properties, and go to the Member Of tab in the Properties dialog.

  • By adding a computer to a group, you can assign permissions to all of the computer accounts in that group and filter Group Policy settings on all accounts in that group.

  • To locate computer accounts you want to add to a certain group, use the Find function of Active Roles. Once you found the computer accounts, select the accounts in the list of search results, right-click the selection, and click Add to a Group.

Removing a computer account from a group

To remove a computer account from groups, right-click the account, click Properties, and go to the Member Of tab. On the Member Of tab, select groups from the list and click Remove.

How to remove a computer account from a group

You can remove computer accounts from Active Directory groups with the Active Roles Console.

To remove a computer account from a group

  1. In the Console tree, locate and select the folder that contains the computer account you want to remove from a group.

  2. In the details pane, right-click the computer account, then click Properties.

  3. On the Member Of tab in the Properties dialog, clear the Show nested groups check box, select the group from which you want to remove the computer account, and click Remove.

NOTE: Consider the following when removing a computer account from a group:

  • If you have not cleared the Show nested groups check box, the list on the Member Of tab also includes the groups to which the computer account belongs indirectly, that is, because of group nesting. If you select such a group from the list, the Remove button is unavailable. A computer account can be removed from only those groups of which the account is a direct member.

  • The computer account cannot be removed from its primary group (Domain Computers by default). You first need to change the computer’s primary group: On the Member Of tab, select a different group from the list, then click Set Primary Group.

Moving a computer account

To move computer accounts to another container, select the accounts, right-click the selection, then click Move. In the Move dialog, select the container to which you want to move the accounts.

NOTE: The Console provides the drag-and-drop function for moving objects. To move objects, you can drag the selection from the details pane to a destination container in the Console tree.

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