Data sync workflows that import data with a connection based on the Generic SCIM Connector can import all three types of SCIM 2.0-based data entries:
Simple attributes, that is, data entries with a single simple value. For example, a user ID specified in a single string is a simple attribute.
Complex single-value attributes, that is, data entries specified with several sub-attributes. For example, the following name attribute is a complex single-value attribute, specifying the name of an employee with three simple sub-attributes:
"name": { "givenName": "Sam", "familyName": "Smith", "formatted": "Sam Smith" },
The value of complex single-value attributes is the sum of the sub-attribute values.
Complex multi-value attributes, that is, data entries with multiple complex values, each of them specified with several simple sub-attributes. For example, the following addresses attribute is a complex multi-value attribute, specifying several addresses, each of them being a complex value containing several simple sub-attributes:
"addresses": [ { "type": "work", "streetAddress": "22 Example Street", "region": "Springfield", "postalCode": "51487", "country": "United States", "primary": true }, { "type": "home", "streetAddress": "12 Rue Exemple", "region": "Montreal", "postalCode": "46179", "country": "Canada" } ],
However, even though sync workflows using connections set with the Generic SCIM Connector can import all three of these value types, Active Roles Synchronization Service does not recognize complex single-value attributes and complex multi-value attributes, as they contain more values than what Active Roles Synchronization Service can identify for a single data entry by default.
To import complex single-value and multi-value attributes successfully, you can use the following methods:
For complex single-value attributes, you can map each individual sub-attribute of the complex single-value attribute to separate attributes in the target system. For example, in case of the name complex single-value attribute, you can map the givenName, familyName and formatted sub-attributes to separate name.givenName, name.familyName, and name.formatted attributes in the target system, respectively.
For complex multi-value attributes, you can use two methods:
When importing complex multi-value attributes, Active Roles Synchronization Service can take a single value (and its sub-attributes), map the sub-attributes to a set of target values (similarly to complex single-value attributes), then discard the rest of the complex values of the attribute.
By default, Active Roles Synchronization Service takes the primary value of the complex multi-value attribute (marked with a specific primary sub-attribute). If no primary value is specified within the complex multi-value attribute, Active Roles Synchronization Service imports the first value (and its sub-attributes) only.
NOTE: This method imports only the primary value (or the first value, if no primary value is specified). Active Roles Synchronization Service will discard all other values (and their sub-attributes).
If you map a complex multi-value attribute (such as the addresses attribute shown in the above example) when configuring a mapping rule for a workflow, you can configure an Active Roles Synchronization Service workflow to process and extract every value (and their sub-attributes) of the complex multi-value attribute with script-based attribute mapping.
The following procedure will provide an example on how to apply such a PowerShell script to properly process the addresses complex multi-value attribute shown in this chapter.
To configure a custom PowerShell script for a workflow to import complex multi-value attributes
In the Active Roles Synchronization Service, click Sync Workflow, then click the sync workflow that imports data from a SCIM-based source system (for example, the SuccessFactors HR to SQL Server workflow used in Creating a sync workflow for synchronizing data from a SCIM-based Starling Connect connector).
Click the first step of the workflow (in the example SuccessFactors HR to SQL Server workflow, this is named Step 1 (Creation from SCIM Connection to SuccessFactors HR to SQL Connection).
Under Creation Rules, to open the initial population rules, click Forward Sync Rule.
In the Forward Sync Rule window, at the Source item setting, open the Attribute drop-down, and click PowerShell Script.
In the PowerShell Script Editor, paste the following script example, and click OK:
$addressesJsonArray = $srcObj["addresses"] | ConvertFrom-Json if ($addressesJsonArray) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $addressesJsonArray.Length; $i++) { if ($addressesJsonArray[$i].type -eq "work") { return $addressesJsonArray[$i].streetAddress + ", " + $addressesJsonArray[$i].region + ", " + $addressesJsonArray[$i].locality } } }
The example script contains the following key parts:
$srcObj refers to the source object that the script will act on.
$srcObj["addresses"] extracts the raw value of the addresses attribute. In this example, this attribute is a complex multi-value SCIM attribute, so the attribute value will be a JSON array.
$addressesJsonArray is a .NET array object containing the values of the complex multi-value attribute.
The rest of the script performs the following steps:
It checks that the array is valid.
It traverses the elements of the array, and looks for the first element with a type sub-attribute with a work value.
Once it finds an element with a work value type, it constructs a formatted string from the streetAddress, region and locality sub-attributes.
It returns the results.
Use the output to parse and extract the data into other target values in the target system.