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Defender 6.1 - Release Notes

Release Notes

One Identity Defender 6.1.0


Release Notes

April 2021

These release notes provide information about the One Identity Defender release.


About Defender

About One Identity Defender 6.1.0

Defender enhances security by using two-factor authentication to authenticate the users who request access to valuable resources within your organization. Defender uses your current identity store within Microsoft® Active Directory® to enable two-factor authentication, taking advantage of its inherent scalability and security, and eliminating the costs and time involved to set up and maintain proprietary databases. Defender’s Web-based administration and user self-service ease the implementation of two-factor authentication for both administrators and users.

Defender 6.1.0 is a minor release.

See New features.

New features

New features in Defender 6.1.0

  • Ability to approve an authentication request through a push notification on Android and iOS devices.

NOTE: Only the newly programmed iOS/Android tokens using Defender (v6.1.0 and above) support the push notifications.

Resolved issues

The following is a list of issues addressed in 6.1.0 release.

Table 1: Defender Desktop Login resolved issues

Resolved Issue


Issue ID

New Users are not able to login to Defender Desktop Login enabled
Windows 10 machines.



Unable to authenticate Defender Desktop Login due to recent Sophos updates.


Defender Desktop Login does not work only if Kerberos authentication is enabled.


Offline cache data is not updated after logging in to corporate VPN.



Delayed log on seen in Windows 10 machines while logging from outside of the network.


Defender Desktop Login does not try to search for the available DCs or GCs in the forest.


User authentication to Defender Desktop Login using Google Authenticator tokens that are prefixed with PIN fails, when Defender Service is unavailable.


When a user authenticates to a Windows 10 system via Defender Desktop Login, the logon process is delayed.


Table 2: Defender Management Portal resolved issues
Resolved Issue Issue ID

Defender Management Portal performance issues while programming an iOS token


In the Self Service Portal, minimum and maximum length information of the PIN is missing while registering Hardware Tokens.


When a Defender Administrator searches for a user in the Management Portal, username does not appear in the header.


When User search is performed using Defender Management Portal, a delay is seen while retrieving User Properties.


Self-service User is unable to request for Software Tokens from the Defender Management Portal.


Unable to schedule the Defender reports.


When Defender Management Portal is installed with a non-Domain Admin Group as the default administrator group of the Management Portal, and a user who is member of the non-Domain Admin Group logs in to the Management Portal, then the Administrator privileges are not provided to the user.


Table 3: Defender Security Server resolved issues
Resolved Issue Issue ID

Radius authentication fails with second factor when the multiple session requests hit the server concurrently


Defender Security Server is unable to switch to the next available GC in the AD forest.


The DSS Service restarts when a username consists of special characters and exceeds the defined character limit. TFS792148
Authentication is abandoned when a user authenticates through VPN.



Defender Security Server service crashes if the SMTP server is not available. TFS796950
When Defender Security Server is configured to use SSL port 636 and server is rebooted, the DSS service fails to start. TFS802183
When a user is assigned an email or an SMS token along with an Authy token, the email or SMS is not sent to the User. TFS800967

DSS Audit logs display incorrect Active Users count.


DSS Audit logs capture GC connections repeatedly.


YubiCloud tokens are not working with Defender.


Table 4: Defender Soft Token for Java resolved issues
Resolved Issue Issue ID

When you attempt to run the Soft Token for Java with Java 9 or later installed on the system, you encounter the following error:

ClassCastException: class jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader cannot be cast to class (jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader and are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap').


Table 5: Other resolved issues
Resolved Issue Issue ID

One Identity Defender Upgrade or Installation flows to 5.9.6 and above would throw the below error:

"Service Defender Security Server (DSServADE) failed to start, Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start the system service."


Entropy used during token seed calculation can lead to a potential system vulnerability issue


Programmed soft token assigns an invalid token serial number to the user


In the parent child environment, discrepancies seen in the Defender License count.


When Allow expired Active Directory password to be changed option is enabled in Defender policy, user is not able to change the password.


Defender License fails to install when the Defender Organizational Unit is in the custom location.


When trying to access Management Portal site protected by the Defender ISAPI Agent, HTTP Internal Server error 500 is displayed.


Soft token license mismatch seen in Administration Console and Defender Management Reports.


Authentication using Temporary Tokens for Defender Soft Token for Android fails.


Authentication using Temporary Tokens for Defender Soft Token for iOS fails.


Authentication using Temporary Tokens for Defender Soft Token for Windows fails.


In the Defender Administration Console, Administrator is not able to set PIN for tokens.


After you install Microsoft July 2018 Security and Quality Rollup updates for .NET Framework updates, an error is displayed when you view Defender Properties in the Active Roles Web Interface.


The Done and Swipe buttons in Defender Soft Token for iOS have UI issues on the iPhone XS Max device.


Unable to delete GrIDsure Token/Defender Password from a User when the name contains forward slash.


User is able to login to the clients only with Active Directory password even after completing the token registration.


YubiCloud fails to validate the token response.


The Active Roles Web interface does not allow assigning Soft Tokens for iOS for users.


Time-based non-OATH iOS tokens generate invalid responses when an expiry date is set for the token activation code.


In Active Roles Web interface, when a user assigned with Defender-Administrator Access template tries to program Defender tokens, a permission related error message is displayed.


Diagnostic logging for Integration Pack for Active Roles display token activation Code when programming token via Active Roles Console.


When Defender Soft Token for iOS is programmed with an expiration date, Token Properties are not updated correctly in Administration Console.


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