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Identity Manager 8.2.1 - Administration Guide for Connecting to HCL Domino

Managing HCL Domino environments Synchronizing a Domino environment
Setting up initial synchronization of a Domino environment Domino server configuration Setting up a gateway server Creating a synchronization project for initial synchronization of a Notes domain Adjusting the synchronization configuration for Domino environments Running synchronization Tasks following synchronization Troubleshooting Ignoring data error in synchronization
Managing Notes user accounts and employees Managing memberships in Notes groups Login information for Notes user accounts Using AdminP requests for handling Domino processes Mapping of Notes objects in One Identity Manager
Notes domains Notes user accounts Notes groups Notes certificates Notes templates Notes policies Notes mail-in databases Notes server Reports about Notes objects
Handling of Notes objects in the Web Portal Basic data for managing a Domino environment Configuration parameters for managing a Domino environment Default project template for Domino Processing methods of Domino system objects Domino connector settings

Default user accounts

Normally, each employee obtains a default user account, which has the permissions they require for their regular work. The user accounts are linked to the employee. The effect of the link and the scope of the employee’s inherited properties on the user accounts can be configured through an account definition and its manage levels.

To create default user accounts through account definitions

  1. Create an account definition and assign the Unmanaged and Full managed manage levels.

  2. Specify the effect of temporarily or permanently disabling, deleting, or the security risk of an employee on its user accounts and group memberships for each manage level.

  3. Create a formatting rule for IT operating data.

    You use the mapping rule to define which rules are used to map IT operating data for user accounts and which default values are used if no IT operating data can be determined through a person's primary roles.

    The type of IT operating data required depends on the target system. The following setting are recommended for default user accounts:

    • In the mapping rule for the IsGroupAccount column, use the default value 1 and enable the Always use default value option.

    • In the mapping rule for the IdentityType column, use the default value Primary and enable Always use default value.

  4. Enter the effective IT operating data for the target system. Select the concrete target system under Effects on.

    Specify in the departments, cost centers, locations, or business roles that IT operating data should apply when you set up a user account.

  5. Assign the account definition to employees.

    When the account definition is assigned to an employee, a new user account is created through the inheritance mechanism and subsequent processing.

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Administrative user accounts

An administrative user account must be used for certain administrative tasks. Administrative user accounts are usually predefined by the target system and have fixed names and login names, such as Administrator.

Administrative user accounts are imported into One Identity Manager during synchronization.

NOTE: Some administrative user accounts can be automatically identified as privileged user accounts. To do this, in the Designer, enable the Mark selected user accounts as privileged schedule.

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Providing administrative user accounts for one employee

  • The user account must be labeled as a personalized admin identity.

  • The employee who will be using the user account must be labeled as a personalized admin identity.

  • The employee who will be using the user account must be linked to a main identity.

To prepare an administrative user account for a person

  1. Label the user account as a personalized admin identity.

    1. In the Manager, select the HCL Domino > User accounts category.

    2. Select the user account in the result list.

    3. Select the Change main data task.

    4. On the General tab, in the Identity selection list, select Personalized administrator identity.

  2. Link the user account to the employee who will be using this administrative user account.

    1. In the Manager, select the HCL Domino > User accounts category.

    2. Select the user account in the result list.

    3. Select the Change main data task.

    4. On the General tab, in the Person selection list, select the employee who will be using this administrative user account.

      TIP: If you are the target system manager, you can choose to create a new person.

Related topics

Providing administrative user accounts for several employees

  • The user account must be labeled as a shared identity.

  • A pseudo employee must exist. The pseudo employee must be labeled as a shared identity and must have a manager.

  • The employees who are permitted to use the user account must be labeled as a primary identity.

To prepare an administrative user account for multiple employees

  1. Label the user account as a shared identity.

    1. In the Manager, select the HCL Domino > User accounts category.

    2. Select the user account in the result list.

    3. Select the Change main data task.

    4. On the General tab, in the Identity menu, select Shared identity.

  2. Link the user account to a pseudo employee.

    1. In the Manager, select the HCL Domino > User accounts category.

    2. Select the user account in the result list.

    3. Select the Change main data task.

    4. On the General tab, select the pseudo employee from the Employee menu.

      TIP: If you are the target system manager, you can choose to create a new pseudo employee.

  3. Assign the employees who will use this administrative user account to the user account.

    1. In the Manager, select the HCL Domino > User accounts category.

    2. Select the user account in the result list.

    3. Select the Assign employees authorized to use task.

    4. In the Add assignments pane, add employees.

      TIP: In the Remove assignments pane, you can remove assigned employees.

      To remove an assignment

      • Select the employee and double-click .

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