The Activity Center is the place to go to view the details of specific events or user activity. The appliance records all activities performed within One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Passwords. Any administrator has access to the audit log information; however, your administrator permission set determines what audit data you can access. For more information, see Administrator permissions.

The Activity Center page contains these options:

  • Select a Saved Search: Allows you to access and manage previously saved search and scheduled reports.
  • Save or Schedule Search: Saves the current search criteria which can be used later to generate the report. For more information, see Saving search criteria and loading previously saved search criteria.
  • Clear Search Criteria: Resets the current search criteria back to the default settings (all activity occurring within the last 24 hours).
  • Activity Category: Use this drop-down to filter the activity being searched for based on category. Selecting All Activity will search all categories.
  • Date Range: Use this drop-down to specify a time frame for the search.

Use the available search fields to specify additional query criteria to retrieve the information you are looking for. For more information, see Applying search criteria.

Activity Center: Results toolbar

Once an activity audit log report is generated, the results section contains the search results grid and these toolbar options:

  • View Details: After selecting a result, click this button to view the details.
  • Request Workflow Details: After selecting a result related to an access request, click this button to open a detail of all actions for that request (for example: approvals, password checkouts, and session logs).
  • Export: Select to create a .csv or .json file of the criteria displayed and save it to a location of your choice.
  • Refresh: Updates the search results page.
  • Search: You can search by a character string or by a selected attribute with conditions you enter. To search by a selected attribute click Search and select an attribute to search. For more information, see Search box.