GetGridData method
After an authentication request this method can be called to determine whether a user has a grid available and the state of that grid.
C++ syntax
public : HRESULT GetGridData(BSTR *grid, VARIANT_BOOL *isRegistrationGrid, VARIANT_BOOL *isGrIDsureOnly, VARIANT_BOOL *hasGrid);
C# syntax
bool GetGridData(out string grid, out bool isRegistrationGrid, out bool isGrIDsureOnly);
- grid A string containing the values for the grid.
- isRegistrationGrid Returns TRUE if the user has not yet registered a PIP.
- isGrIDsureOnly Returns TRUE if the user only has a GrIDsure token.
- hasGrid Returns TRUE if a grid is available.
Return value
Always returns S_OK.
GetAuthenticationImage method
After an authentication request this function can be called to obtain a bitmap of the grid.
C++ syntax
public : HRESULT GetAuthenticationImage(VARIANT *imageData);
C# syntax
object GetAuthenticationImage();
imageData A byte array containing a bitmap of the grid.
Return value
Returns S_OK if successful.
SetGridResetPIPAttribute method
Call this function before an authentication request to add a RADIUS payload attribute to inform the DSS that the user's GrIDsure PIP should be changed.
C++ syntax
public : HRESULT SetGridResetPIPAttribute(void);
C# syntax
void SetGridResetPIPAttribute();
Return value
Always returns S_OK
payload property
After an authentication request this property will return an array of RADIUS payload attributes returned by the DSS. Each payload attribute will be returned as a struct RADIUSPayloadAttribute.
C++ syntax
public : HRESULT get_payload(SAFEARRAY(struct RADIUSPayloadAttribute) * payload);
C# syntax
public Array payload { get; }