You can enter more information required for booking the voucher item on the Miscellaneous tag. The recipient of the IT service must be entered. You must fill out at least one of the fields workdesk, device, employee, business role, location, cost center, department, or customer.
Property | Description |
Activity supplied | Select a activity from the menu. |
Cost type | Select a costing type from the menu. |
Workdesk | Worksdesk that received the IT service. |
Device | Device that received the IT service. |
Employee | Employee that received the IT service. |
Business role | Business role that received the IT service. |
Location | Location that received the IT service. |
Cost center | Cost center that received the IT service. |
Department | Department that received the IT service. |
Customer | Partner that received the IT service. |
Received on | Date the IT service bill was received. |
Approved on | Date of final approval. |