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Identity Manager 8.1.5 - Web Portal User Guide

Getting started Security keys (WebAuthn) Requests Attestation Compliance Responsibilities
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Employees System entitlements Business roles System roles Departments Cost centers Locations Application roles Resources Assignment resources Multi-request resources Multi-requestable/unsubscribable resources Software Devices Adding tags for service items
Task delegation Ownerships Auditing Governance administration
Applications Calls Settings Discovering your statistics on the start page

Adding conditions

When you edit attestation polices, you can also add new conditions to them. You can only add conditions to copies of attestation policies.

To add a condition to a policy

  1. Open the Attestation Policy Settings menu.
  2. Edit the desired attestation policy.

    For more information, see Editing attestation policies.

  3. In the Master data view, click in the Object selection section.
  4. Select the required option in the Condition type menu in Edit condition.
    NOTE: The options available in Condition type depend on which attestation procedure is set for the attestation policy to be edited.

    The following options are available.

    Table 37: Available condition types

    Condition Type


    All roles / cost centers

    Lists all company structures.

    Multi-select is available. Selected parameters are listed in the master detail and can be canceled there. Or you cancel the selection in list again.

    Attestation by attestation status/Roles by assignment type

    Lists attestations by status or role assignment type as other parameter.

    Multi-select is available. Selected parameters are listed in the master detail and can be canceled there. Or you cancel the selection in list again.

    Specific roles / cost centers

    List certain roles for the company structure,

    You can toggle between tree view and list view using and . Multi-select is possible. Selected roles are listed in the detailed content view and can be reselected there. Or you cancel the selection in list again.

    Business roles / Application roles / Cost centers with matching names

    Displays the Identifier field.

    Enter a name for the company structure.

    New or not attested for x days

    Displays the Count menu.

    You can enter the count.

    Roles with specific owners / user accounts with specific people / Roles with any owner

    Lists certain employees for the company structure.

    Additional columns can be shown and the filter function applied. Multi-select is available. Selected employees are listed in the master detail and can be canceled there. Or you cancel the selection in list again.

    Roles with specific role classes

    Lists specific role classes.

    Multi-select is available. Selected role classes are listed in the master detail and can be canceled there. Or you cancel the selection in list again.

    Roles with defined risk index

    Display a scale of 0 to 1 for the risk index and two slide rulers.

    Specify a beginning and an end value within the scale.

    Roles with owners in departments

    Lists departments which have owners.

    Multi-select is available. Selected role classes are listed in the master detail and can be canceled there. Or you cancel the selection in list again.

  5. Save the changes.

Editing conditions

You can rework existing conditions by editing copied attestation policies.

To add a condition to a policy

  1. Open the Attestation Policy Settings menu.
  2. Edit the desired attestation policy.

    For more information, see Editing attestation policies.

  3. In the Master data view, click in the Object selection section.
  4. Select the required option in the Condition type menu in Edit condition.
    NOTE: The options available in Condition type depend on which attestation procedure is set for the attestation policy to be edited.

    The following options are available.

    Table 38: Available condition types

    Condition Type


    All roles / cost centers

    Lists all company structures.

    Multi-select is available. Selected parameters are listed in the master detail and can be canceled there. Or you cancel the selection in list again.

    Attestation by attestation status/Roles by assignment type

    Lists attestations by status or role assignment type as other parameter.

    Multi-select is available. Selected parameters are listed in the master detail and can be canceled there. Or you cancel the selection in list again.

    Specific roles / cost centers

    List certain roles for the company structure,

    You can toggle between tree view and list view using and . Multi-select is possible. Selected roles are listed in the detailed content view and can be reselected there. Or you cancel the selection in list again.

    Business roles / Application roles / Cost centers with matching names

    Displays the Identifier field.

    Enter a name for the company structure.

    New or not attested for x days

    Displays the Count menu.

    You can enter the count.

    Roles with specific owners / user accounts with specific people / Roles with any owner

    Lists certain employees for the company structure.

    Additional columns can be shown and the filter function applied. Multi-select is available. Selected employees are listed in the master detail and can be canceled there. Or you cancel the selection in list again.

    Roles with specific role classes

    Lists specific role classes.

    Multi-select is available. Selected role classes are listed in the master detail and can be canceled there. Or you cancel the selection in list again.

    Roles with defined risk index

    Display a scale of 0 to 1 for the risk index and two slide rulers.

    Specify a beginning and an end value within the scale.

    Roles with owners in departments

    Lists departments which have owners.

    Multi-select is available. Selected role classes are listed in the master detail and can be canceled there. Or you cancel the selection in list again.

Deleting conditions

You can delete conditions in Attestation Policies. The same applies here as for adding conditions. You can only delete conditions in a copied attestation policy.

To remove a condition from a policy

  1. Open the Attestation Policy Settings menu.

  2. Edit the desired attestation policy.

    For more information, see Editing attestation policies.

  3. Highlight the required condition in the Master data view and click the Actions column in the Object selection section.

    This deletes the condition.

Objects affected by a condition

You can display objects that apply for a specific or all conditions in the Edit attestation policy view.

To allow affected objects to be displayed

  1. Open the Attestation Policy Settings menu.

  2. Edit the desired attestation policy.

    For more information, see Editing attestation policies.

  3. Perform one of the following tasks:

    1. Highlight the required condition and click the linked number in the Objects column in the lower area of Object selection in the Master data view.

    2. Click the linked number under the list of conditions.

    Any objects that meet the condition(s) are displayed in a dialog.

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