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Identity Manager 8.2.1 - API Development Guide

Basic principles of API development Examples and help – Software Development Kit API configuration Implementing your own APIs API Designer Quick start – Creating an API with the API Designer Working with the API Designer
Starting the API Designer Project types User interface Global settings Database objects Labeling changes Find and replace Multilingual captions Managing database queries Managing tabs Managing layouts Displaying the change history (command list) Bookmarks Compiling an API Managing versions (compilation branches) Testing an API Linking C# projects to the API Designer
API projects API methods ImxClient command line program

Importing solution project changes into a database

Changes that have been run within a solution project must be transferred into the One Identity Manager database.

To import object into the One Identity Manager database

  1. In the menu bar, click Edit > Import objects into database.

  2. In the Import objects into database dialog, enable the option Remove deleted objects from database. Objects that you have deleted from your solution project are now also deleted from the database.

  3. Go to Solution objects to select the objects that you want to change and export into the database.

    TIP: To select or deselect listed objects quickly, enable the Select all/deselect all option.

  4. Click Continue.

  5. Click Finished.

Related topics

User interface

This section gives you an overview of the graphical user interface of the API Designer.

Use the mouse and keyboard to interact with the API Designer‘s graphical user interface. Use a screen resolution of at least 1280 x 1024 pixels and a minimum color depth of 16 bits for optimum display.

TIP: The API Designer view can be customized at any time to suit your needs by moving, closing, or hiding items.

Main user interface components
  • Top – Title bar

    The title bar shows the program icon, program name, and connected database (including the current user).

  • Top – Menu bar

    You can use the menus on the menu bar to access submenus and to access and run many functions in API Designer quickly. For more information, see Menu bar.

  • Top – Toolbar

    The toolbar contains different icons that you can click to access other functions. For more information, see Toolbar.

  • Left – Navigation

    Use the navigation to manage (create, open, delete) API configurations, API files, and API projects. You can also access the most recently edited file here. For more information, see Navigation.

  • Center – Work pane

    The center pane is where other work panes for editing are shown, such as the Definition tree view. When you open objects, they are shown in the work pane in separate Tabs.

  • Bottom – Status bar

    The status bar shows information such as database activity, project information, the connected database, and the current user. For more information, see Status bar.

Start page

The home page is displayed when the API Designer starts up.

On the home page, you can:

For more information, see Start page.

Detailed information about this topic

Menu bar

You can use the menus on the menu bar to access submenus and to access and run many functions in API Designer quickly. The following table provides you with information about each menu.

Table 1: Menus and menu items on the menu bar.
Menu Menu item Description




Opens the Global settings dialog. You can configure the basic settings for API Designer here.

For more information, see Global settings.



Closes the program.



Set project type

Opens the Select the project type dialog. Select whether the project should be saved as a database or solution project here.

For more information, see Project types and Changing the project type.


Import objects into database

Opens the Import objects into database dialog.

From here you can import new and modified objects from your solution project into your One Identity Manager database.

For more information, see Importing solution project changes into a database.


Change standard project file

From here you can change the solution project that is to be used here.


Find and replace

Opens the Find and replace dialog. You can search through documents using certain terms or strings and replace where necessary here.

For more information, see Find and replace.


Find next

Performs the search with the search parameters specified in the Find and replace dialog.

The search continues without reopening the dialog.



Opens the Multilingual captions dialog. You can create and edit multilingual captions here.

For more information, see Multilingual captions.


Import object

You can use this menu item to import API projects and API files into the API Designer.

For more information, see Importing API projects and Importing API files.


Edit database queries

Opens the Edit database queries dialog. You can add, change, or delete database queries here.

For more information, see Managing database queries.




Opens the Tabs dialog. You can manage open tabs here. For more information, see Managing tabs.


Restore standard layout

Restores the default layout. For more information, see Managing layouts.


Restore standard layout (including size)

Restores the default layout and the default window size. For more information, see Managing layouts.



Restore saved layout

Restores the layout that you saved earlier (see Save layout on the menu). For more information, see Managing layouts.


Save layout

After you have customized the layout of the API Designer to suit your needs, you can save it and restore it at any time. For more information, see Managing layouts.


Start page

Opens the start page.

For more information, see Start page.



Opens the Solution window. The solution can be used to display and manage any objects in the API Designer that can be opened from the navigation menu.

For more information, see Managing objects in a project (solution).


Node editor

Opens the Node editor view. You can edit a node’s properties here.

For more information, see Node editor view.



Opens the Tasks view. Compilation errors and warnings can be viewed here.

For more information, see Managing compilation errors and warnings (task window).


Command List

Opens the Command list window. You can view the change history of the selected database object here and undo any changes where necessary.

For more information, see Displaying the change history (command list).



Opens the Compiling window. You can view the compilation log here.

For more information, see Opening the compiling log.



Opens the Bookmarks window. Bookmarks can be managed here.

For more information, see Bookmarks.



Opens the navigation view. This can be used to manage (create, open, delete) API files, and API projects. You can also access the most recently edited file here.

For more information, see Navigation.




Opens the One Identity forum.


Support portal

Opens the support portal website.



Opens the training website.


Online documentation

Opens One Identity‘s documentation website.



Opens a dialog. Detailed information on the API Designer is available here (system information, version number, information about the software producer, installed modules etc.).

Related topics


The toolbar contains different icons that you can click to access other functions.

Table 2: Toolbar functions
Icon Description

Change Label:


In the list, select the label under which changes made to the One Identity Manager database are to be saved. Use the label to make it easier to identify and assign changes to the database. For more information, see Labeling changes.

Managing change labels

Opens the Change label dialog. You can select, add, change, or delete change labels here. For more information, see Labeling changes.

Use the current change label as default

Specify that the current change label see Change label) is to be used as the default change label. This change label will automatically be selected upon API Designer startup. This setting is bound to the client and does not affect other users of the One Identity Manager database. For more information, see Using change labels.


Opens the Multilingual captions dialog. Here you can create and edit multilingual captions. For more information, see Multilingual captions.

Testing a compilation

Tests the compilation for either the Debug or Release version. For more information, see Testing a compilation.


Saves changes to the object currently being edited. If you want to save changes to other database objects, select the corresponding tab in the definition tree view and click the button.

Save all

Saves changes to all objects currently being edited.

Previous/next node

Navigates backwards and forwards within the history of the selected objects. This displays the selected database object in the definition tree view.

If an object or node has been deleted, the next object is shown. If an object that no longer exists is selected in the history, the previous object is shown.

TIP: In the menu bar under Connection | Settings, you can specify the number of database objects shown in the history. The history can be deleted in the context menu using Clear history.

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