After you have entered the main data, you can run the following tasks.
After you have entered the main data, you can run the following tasks.
You can see the most important information about an attestation procedure on the overview form.
To obtain an overview of an attestation procedure
In the Manager, select the Attestation > Basic configuration data > Attestation procedures category.
Select the attestation procedure in the result list.
Select the Attestation procedure overview task.
Use this task to assign the selected attestation procedure to the approval policies that should be used in this attestation procedure. All approval policies permitted for the attestation base object are listed.
To assign approval policies to attestation procedures
In the Manager, select the Attestation > Basic configuration data > Attestation procedures category.
Select the attestation procedure in the result list.
Select Assign approval policies task.
In the Add assignments pane, assign the approval policies.
TIP: In the Remove assignments pane, you can remove approval policy assignments.
To remove an assignment
Select the approval policy and double-click .
Which approval policies are permitted depends on the approval procedures in use. Approval procedures dictate to which tables an approval procedure can be assigned.
You can make copies of attestation procedures and those copies allow you to modify default attestation procedures.
To copy an attestation procedure
In the Manager, select the Attestation > Basic configuration data > Attestation procedures category.
Select the attestation procedure in the result list.
Select Create copy task.
Confirm the security prompt with Yes.
Decide whether the condition types should be copied for the attestation wizard in the Web Portal as well.
Condition types are required if attestation policies are created and edited with the attestation wizard in the Web Portal. For detailed information, see One Identity Manager Web Designer Web Portal User Guide.
Edit the attestation procedure copy and save the changes.
The attestation procedure copy is displayed on the main data form with the name <Name of original attestation procedure>(copy). You can rename and edit this attestation policy.
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