In this section, you will learn how to use the One Identity Visual Studio Code extension.
In this section, you will learn how to use the One Identity Visual Studio Code extension.
Use compilation branches to manage different versions of your compiled project and to store the versions in the database. You can select the required compilation branch, show available compilation branches, create compilation branches and delete compilation branches.
To select and use a compilation branch
In Visual Studio Code, click Explorer in the left navigation.
In Explorer, navigate to One Identity | Configuration.
Next to Branch ID, click One Identity Manager: edit branch id.
TIP: If a connection to the One Identity Manager database has not yet been established, you must set up the connection now (see Connecting to the One Identity Manager database).
A menu with available compilation branches is opened.
In the menu, click the compilation branch you would like to use.
To create a compilation branch
In Visual Studio Code, click Explorer in the left navigation.
In Explorer, navigate to One Identity | Configuration.
Next to Branch ID, click Add branch.
An input field opens.
In the input field, enter a name for the compilation branch and press Enter.
TIP: If a connection to the One Identity Manager database has not yet been established, you must set up the connection now (see Connecting to the One Identity Manager database).
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