Importing new identity main data
You can request attestation of new identities if the main data is imported from other systems into the One Identity Manager database. To ensure that new identities are automatically attested, you must set the identity’s certification status to New (Person.ApprovalState = '1'). There are two possible ways to do this:
The QER | Attestation | UserApproval | InitialApprovalState configuration parameter is evaluated for certification status. If the configuration parameter has the value 1, certification status is set to New.
Prerequisite: The import does not alter the Person.ApprovalState property.
NOTE: The QER | Attestation | UserApproval | InitialApprovalState configuration parameter has the value 0 by default. This gives each new identity the certification status Certified. Automatic attestation is not carried out.
If you want to attest new identities immediately, change the value of the configuration parameter to 1.
- The import sets the Person.ApprovalState property explicitly.
The import sets ApprovalState='1' (New).
The identity is automatically sent to the manager for attestation.
The import sets ApprovalState=’0' (Certified).
Imported identity main data has already been authorized. It should not be attested again.
The import sets ApprovalState=’3' (Denied).
The identity is deactivated permanently and is not attested.
Attestation of new users is triggered when:
The QER | Attestation | UserApproval configuration parameter is set
New identity main data was imported into the One Identity Manager database
The certification status for new identities is set to New
No Import data source is stored with the identity.
If the External option is not set for an identity, attestation takes place as described in the Adding new identities using a manager or administrator for identities section, step 5.
If the External option is set for the identity, attestation takes place as described in the Self-registration of new users in the Web Portal section, steps 4 to 5.
The New user certification attestation policy is run.
Scheduled attestation
Users are also attested when the certification status for an identity is set to New at a later date (manually or through import). The Daily schedule is assigned to the New user certification attestation policy for this purpose. Attestation of new users is started when the time set in the schedule is reached. This process determines all identities with the certification status New and for whom no attestation cases are pending.
You can assign a custom schedule to the attestation policy if required.
Detailed information about this topic
Limiting attestation objects for certification
IMPORTANT: In order to customize the default New user certification attestation policy, you must make changes to One Identity Manager objects. Always use a custom copy of the respective object to make changes.
It may be necessary to limit attestation of new users to a certain group of identities, for example, if only identities in a specific departments should be attested. To do this, you can extend the condition attached to the attestation policy. Create a custom attestation policy for this.
The following objects must be changed so that attestation of new users can be carried out with this attestation policy. Always create a copy of the respective object to do this.
- New user certification attestation policy
- VI_Attestation_Person_new_AttestationCase_for_Certification process
- VI_Attestation_AttestationCase_Person_Approval_Granted process
- VI_Attestation_AttestationCase_Person_Approval_Dismissed process
IMPORTANT: In order for attestation to run correctly in the Web Portal, the default Certification of users attestation procedure and the default Certification of users approval policy must be assigned to the attestation policy.
The default attestation procedure, the default approval policy, and the default Certification of users approval workflow must not be changed.
To customize default attestation of new users
Copy the Certification of users attestation policy and customize it.
Table 48: Attestation policy properties
Attestation procedure |
Certification of users. |
Approval policies |
Certification of users. |
Editing conditions |
Copy the default condition without modification so that the correct attestation object is selected.
To limit the number of attestation objects, you can add additional partial conditions to the database query. |
In the Designer, copy the VI_Attestation_AttestationCase_Person_Approval_Certification process of the Person base object and customize the copy.
Table 49: Process properties with changes
Create attestation instance |
WhereClause |
Replace the UID of the New user certification attestation policy with the UID of the new attestation policy. |
In the Designer, copy the VI_Attestation_AttestationCase_Person_Approval_Granted process of the AttestationCase base object and customize the copy.
Table 50: Process properties with changes
Pre-script for generating |
Replace the UID of the New user certification attestation policy with the UID of the new attestation policy. |
Generating condition |
In the Designer, copy the VI_Attestation_AttestationCase_Person_Approval_Dismissed process of the AttestationCase base object and customize the copy.
Table 51: Process properties with changes
Pre-script for generating |
Replace the UID of the New user certification attestation policy with the UID of the new attestation policy. |
Generating condition |
For more information about editing processes, see the One Identity Manager Configuration Guide.
Detailed information about this topic
Recertifying existing users
IMPORTANT: Access to connected target systems may possibly be denied to One Identity Manager users as a result of recertification. You can configure this behavior to meet your company’s requirements. Read the following section thoroughly before you use the recertification function.
One Identity Manager provides an attestation policy for performing cyclical attestation of existing users allowing companies to regularly test and authorize identity main data stored in the One Identity Manager database. Cyclical attestation is triggered through a scheduled task. This resets the certification status for all identities stored in the database. One Identity Manager uses the same procedure for this as for attesting new users. The case is referred to as recertification.
Result of recertification
Certified, activated identities who can access all entitlements assigned to them in One Identity Manager and the connected target systems.
Company resources are inherited. Account definitions are assigned to internal identities.
- OR -
Denied and permanently deactivated identities.
Disable identities cannot log in to One Identity Manager tools. Company resources are not inherited. Account definitions are not automatically assigned. User accounts associated with the identity are also locked or deleted. You can customize the behavior to meet your requirements.