The Startup Scripts policy manages the scripts that run each time the Unix agent starts up.
The Startup Scripts policy manages the scripts that run each time the Unix agent starts up.
To configure a startup script
The Startup Script Properties dialog opens.
The New Script dialog opens.
Note: Typically, you write and test the script on the target platform.
A file browse dialog appears.
The script you choose automatically displays in the Name field.
Note: If you do not have a script to import, add a name for the script, select it on the property page and click Edit Script. Group Policy allows you to create it "on the fly".
The new script displays in the list of configured scripts for this policy.
The Script Preview pane displays the read-only contents of the script.
Your text editor launches with the contents of the script so that you can edit and save the script.
The Script Preview pane displays the updated script contents.
The Cron policy manages the Unix cron daemon. cron is the Unix process scheduler. Administrators can specify a set of "crontab" entries that define the behavior and scheduling of the Unix cron daemon.
cron entries are "append only" and cannot be overridden. However, if there is more than one of the same entry, the entry is only added once to the user's crontab file.
For details, refer to the cron man page. See Using manual pages (man pages) for information about accessing the cron man page.
To create or modify a crontab file
Double-click Cron in the results pane.
The Cron Properties dialog opens.
Click the Add button.
The Crontab Entry Data dialog opens.
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