If this operation resulted in the token being assigned, then the AssignedToken.TokenCommonName will match the tokenCommonName parameter. If the token was already assigned to this user, then the AssignedToken.TokenCommonName will contain a text message indicating that it was already assigned.
The type of the token added may be one of the following values:
- Windows
- IToken
- Mobile
- Android
- EmailOTP
- Java
- GrIDsure
- Authy
- GoogleAuth
These types produce tokens for use on the following platforms:
- Windows Windows operating system.
- IToken iPhone, iPad, or iPod devices running the iOS operating system.
- Mobile SMS token, where a text message containing one-time passwords is sent to the user's mobile phone.
- Android Devices running the Android operating system.
- EmailOTP E-mail token, where an e-mail message containing one-time passwords is sent to the user.
- Java Windows, Mac OS, or Linux operating system that supports Java applications.
- GrIDsure GrIDsure token allowing users to authenticate themselves with a GrIDsure Personal Identification Pattern.
- Authy Authy token allowing users to authenticate themselves with one-time passwords generated by the Authy app.
- GoogleAuth Google Authenticator token allowing users to authenticate themselves with one-time passwords generated by Google Authenticator.
MicrosoftAuth Microsoft Authenticator token allowing users to authenticate themselves with one-time passwords generated by Microsoft Authenticator.
OneLoginAuth OneLogin Authenticator token allowing users to authenticate themselves with one-time passwords generated by OneLogin Authenticator.
C# syntax[OperationContract]
AssignedSoftwareToken AddSoftwareTokenToUser(string userCommonName, ProgrammableSoftwareTokenType tokenType, string tokenPin, SoftwareTokenConfiguration configuration, string userSearchBase);
- userCommonName Common name of the user to whom the token will be assigned.
- tokenType The type of the token added.
- tokenPin Optional parameter to specify PIN to assign to the user's token. PINs cannot be used when programming a Windows token.
- configuration Optional parameter to configure the following activation and passphrase settings:
- Activation Code Timeout Days To configure the number of days for which the token activation code is valid. The default value is 7.
- Enabling Passphrase Locking To configure whether to lock the token passphrase after a specified number of unsuccessful attempts.
- Passphrase Attempts The configure the number of unsuccessful attempts after which the token passphrase is locked.
- Require Passphrase To configure whether the token requires a passphrase or not.
- Require Strong Passphrase To configure whether a strong passphrase is required or not.
- Show Passphrase Alerts To configure whether to display alerts about failed passphrase attempts or not.
- userSearchBase Optional parameter to specify base container from which to search for users.
Return value
If no error occurs, an AssignedToken is returned. In the case of an error, a Fault is generated. The faultCode can be one of the following:
- ArgumentOutOfRange One of the arguments was invalid, further details will be contained in the faultstring.
- UnknownFault Any other error, further details may be included in the faultstring.