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Identity Manager 8.1.5 - Attestation Administration Guide

Attestation and recertification
One Identity Manager users for attestation Attestation base data Attestation policies Custom mail templates for notifications
Approval processes for attestation cases
Approval policies for attestations Approval workflow for attestations Selecting attestors Setting up multi-factor authentication for attestation Prevent attestation by employee awaiting attestation Attestation by peer group analysis Managing attestation cases
Attestation sequence Default attestation and withdrawal of entitlements User attestation and recertification Mitigating controls Configuration parameters for attestation

Default attestation and withdrawal of entitlements

One Identity Manager provide various default attestation procedures for different data situations and default attestation procedures.

Data situations for default attestations:

  • System entitlements owned by an employee

  • System entitlements assigned to system entitlements

  • System entitlements assigned to hierarchical roles

  • System roles assigned to an employee

  • Company resources assigned to system roles

  • System roles assigned to hierarchical roles

  • Business and application role memberships

  • Employee master data for a new One Identity Manager user

  • Employee master data for an existing One Identity Manager user

The attestation polices required for attesting employee master data are also supplied by default. You can also use the default supplied attestation policies without modifying them. The prerequisites and the attestation sequence for employee data are described in User attestation and recertification.

You can set up attestation policies easily in the Web Portal using default attestation procedures for other data situations. You can also use the default attestation policies supplied without customizing them. Furthermore, you can configure how to deal with denied attestations that are based on these default attestation procedures. If your specific data situation allows, denied entitlements can be removed by One Identity Manager following the attestation.

To remove denied permissions automatically

  1. In the Designer, set the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope configuration parameter and the configuration subparameters.

  2. If the entitlements were obtained through IT Shop, specify whether these requests should be unsubscribed or canceled. To do this, set the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | PWOMethodName configuration parameter and select a value.

    • Abort: Requests are aborted. In this case, they do not go through a cancelation workflow. The requested entitlements are withdrawn without additional checks.

    • Unsubscribe: Requests are unsubscribed. They go through the cancelation workflow defined in the approval policies. Withdrawal of the entitlement can thus be subjected to an additional check.

      If the cancelation is denied, the entitlement is not withdrawn even though the attestation has been denied.

    If the configuration parameter is not set, the requests are aborted.

IMPORTANT: If role memberships or system roles are removed from an employee they lose the unapproved entitlement. They also lose all other company resources inherited through this role. These may be other system entitlements or account definitions. If necessary, system entitlements are removed and company resources are deleted from the employee.

Check whether your data situation allows automatic withdrawal of entitlements before you enable configuration parameters under QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope.

Automatic removal of entitlements is triggered by an additional approval step with the EX approval procedure in the default approval workflows.

Attestation sequence with subsequence withdrawal of denied entitlements:

  1. Attestation is carried out using a default attestation procedure.

  2. The attestor denies attestation. The approval step is not granted approval and approval is passed on the next approval level with the EX approval procedure.

  3. The approval step triggers the AUTOREMOVE event. This runs the VI_Attestation_AttestationCase_AutoRemoveMembership process.

  4. The process runs the VI_AttestationCase_RemoveMembership script. This removes the affected entitlement depending on which configuration parameters are set.

  5. The script sets the approval step status to Denied. This means the entire attestation case is finally denied.

  6. Tasks to recalculate inheritance are entered in the DBQueue.

Detailed information about this topic

System entitlements attestation

Installed modules: Target System Base Module

When you use the System entitlement memberships attestation default attestation policy or have set up attestation policies with the System entitlement memberships attestation default attestation procedure, you can configure automatic removal of system entitlements through the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | GroupMembership configuration parameter. After attestation approval has been denied, One Identity Manager checks which type of assignment was used for the user account to become a member in the system entitlement.

Table 40: Effect of configuration parameters when attestation denied

Configuration parameter

Effect when set

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | GroupMembership | RemoveDirect

Direct membership of the user account in the system entitlement, is removed.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | GroupMembership | RemovePrimaryRole

If membership in the system entitlement was inherited through a primary role, the role is withdrawn from the employee.

This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this role.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | GroupMembership | RemoveRequestedRole

If membership of the system entitlement was inherited through a requested role, the role request is canceled or unsubscribed.

This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this role.

Set the desired behavior in the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | PWOMethodName configuration parameter. For more information, see Default attestation and withdrawal of entitlements.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | GroupMembership | RemoveDelegatedRole

If membership in the system entitlement was inherited through a delegated role, delegation of this role is canceled or unsubscribed.

This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this role.

Set the desired behavior in the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | PWOMethodName configuration parameter. For more information, see Default attestation and withdrawal of entitlements.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | GroupMembership | RemoveRequested

If membership of the system entitlement was requested through the IT Shop, the request is canceled or unsubscribed.

Set the desired behavior in the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | PWOMethodName configuration parameter. For more information, see Default attestation and withdrawal of entitlements.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | GroupMembership | RemoveSystemRole

System roles incorporating the system entitlements are withdrawn from the employee.

This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this system role.

This configuration parameter is only available if the System Roles Module is installed.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | GroupMembership | RemoveDirectRole

The system entitlement assignment to hierarchical roles is removed and

Therefore removes the system entitlement assignment to all user accounts whose associated employees inherit assignments from these roles.

IMPORTANT: Employees whose attestation has been approved can lose the system entitlement through this.

Check the side-effects of this configuration parameter in your situation before you set it.

When you use the Attestation of assignments to system entitlements default attestation policy or have set up attestation policies with the Attestation of assignments to system entitlements default attestation procedure, you can configure automatic removal of system entitlements through the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | UNSGroupInUNSGroup configuration parameter.

Table 41: Effect of configuration parameters when attestation denied

Configuration parameter

Effect when set

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | UNSGroupInUNSGroup | RemoveDirect

Assignment of the system entitlement to a system entitlement is removed.

You can configure automatic withdrawal of system entitlement assignments to hierarchical roles, if you use the following default attestation policies or procedures:

  • Attestation of system entitlement assignments to department

  • Attestation of system entitlement assignments to cost centers

  • Attestation of system entitlement assignments to locations

  • Attestation of system entitlement assignments to business roles

Enabled the following configuration parameters to do this.

Table 42: Effect of configuration parameters when attestation denied

Configuration parameter

Effect when set

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | DepartmentHasUNSGroup | RemoveDirect

The assignment of the system entitlement to a department is removed.

Therefore the system entitlement is removed from all employees that inherit assignments from this department.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | ProfitCenterHasUNSGroup | RemoveDirect

The assignment of the system entitlement to a cost center is removed.

Therefore the system entitlement is removed from all employees that inherit assignments from this cost center.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | LocalityHasUNSGroup | RemoveDirect

The assignment of the system entitlement to a location is removed.

Therefore the system entitlement is removed from all employees that inherit assignments from this location.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | OrgHasUNSGroup | RemoveDirect

The assignment of a system entitlement to a business role is removed.

Therefore the system entitlement is removed from all employees that inherit assignments from this business role.

System role attestation

Installed modules: System Roles Module

If you use the System role membership attestation default attestation policy or have set up attestation policies with the System entitlement memberships attestation default attestation procedure, you can configure automatic removal of system roles through the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | ESetAssignment configuration parameter. After attestation approval has been denied, One Identity Manager checks which type of assignment was used for the user account to become a member in the system role.

Table 43: Effect of configuration parameters when attestation denied

Configuration parameter

Effect when set

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | ESetAssignment | RemoveDirect

Direct membership in the system role is removed.

This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this system role.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | ESetAssignment | RemovePrimaryRole

If the system role was inherited through a primary role, the role is withdrawn.

This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this role.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | ESetAssignment | RemoveRequestedRole

If the system role was inherited through a requested role, the role request is canceled or unsubscribed.

This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this role.

Set the desired behavior in the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | PWOMethodName configuration parameter. For more information, see Default attestation and withdrawal of entitlements.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | ESetAssignment | RemoveDelegatedRole

If the system role was inherited through a delegated role, the delegation of this role is canceled or unsubscribed.

This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this role.

Set the desired behavior in the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | PWOMethodName configuration parameter. For more information, see Default attestation and withdrawal of entitlements.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | ESetAssignment | RemoveRequested

If the system role was requested through the IT Shop, the request is canceled or unsubscribed.

This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this system role.

Set the desired behavior in the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | PWOMethodName configuration parameter. For more information, see Default attestation and withdrawal of entitlements.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | ESetAssignment | RemoveDirectRole

The system role assignment to hierarchical roles is removed.

This removes the system role assignment to all employees, which inherits assignments from these roles.

IMPORTANT: Employees whose attestation has been approved can lose the system role through this.

Check the side-effects of this configuration parameter in your situation before you set it.

If you use the System role entitlement assignment attestation default attestation policy or have set up attestation policies with the System role entitlement assignment attestation default attestation procedure, you can configure automatic removal of the assignments through the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | ESetHasEntitlement configuration parameter.

Table 44: Effect of configuration parameters when attestation denied

Configuration parameter

Effect when set

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | ESetHasEntitlement | RemoveDirect

Assignment of the company resource to a system role is removed.

You can configure automatic withdrawal of system role assignments to hierarchical roles, if you use the following default attestation policies or procedures:

  • Department system role assignment attestation

  • Cost center system role assignment attestation

  • Location system role assignment attestation

  • Business role system role assignment attestation

Enabled the following configuration parameters to do this.

Table 45: Effect of configuration parameters when attestation denied

Configuration parameter

Effect when set

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | DepartmentHasESet | RemoveDirect

The assignment of the system role to a department is removed.

Therefore the system role is removed from all employees that inherit assignments from this department.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | ProfitCenterHasESet | RemoveDirect

The assignment of the system role to a cost center is removed.

Therefore the system role is removed from all employees that inherit assignments from this cost center.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | LocalityHasESet | RemoveDirect

The assignment of the system role to a location is removed.

Therefore the system role is removed from all employees that inherit assignments from this location.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | OrgHasESet | RemoveDirect

The assignment of the system role to a business role is removed.

Therefore the system role is removed from all employees that inherit assignments from this business role.

Application role attestation

When you use the Application role membership attestation default attestation policy or have set up attestation policies with the Application role membership attestation default attestation procedure, you can configure automatic removal of application roles through the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | AERoleMembership configuration parameter. After attestation approval has been denied, One Identity Manager checks which type of assignment was used for the user account to become a member in the application role.

Table 46: Effect of configuration parameters when attestation denied

Configuration parameter

Effect when set

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | AERoleMembership | RemoveDirectRole

The employee's secondary membership is removed from the application role.

This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this application role. Membership in dynamic roles is not removed in this process.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | AERoleMembership | RemoveRequestedRole

If the employee requested the application role through the IT Shop, the request is canceled or unsubscribed.

This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this application role.

Set the desired behavior in the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | PWOMethodName configuration parameter. For more information, see Default attestation and withdrawal of entitlements.

QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | AERoleMembership | RemoveDelegatedRole

If the application role was delegated to the employee, delegation is canceled or unsubscribed.

This removes all indirect assignments obtained by the employee through this application role.

Set the desired behavior in the QER | Attestation | AutoRemovalScope | PWOMethodName configuration parameter. For more information, see Default attestation and withdrawal of entitlements.

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