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Identity Manager 8.1.5 - Installation Guide

About this guide One Identity Manager overview Installation prerequisites Installing One Identity Manager Installing and configuring the One Identity Manager Service Automatic updating of One Identity Manager Updating One Identity Manager Installing and updating an application server Installing the API Server Installing, configuring, and maintaining the Web Portal Installing and updating the Manager web application Logging in to One Identity Manager tools Troubleshooting Creating a One Identity Manager database for a test or development environment from a database backup Advanced configuration of the Manager web application Machine roles and installation packages

Minimum system requirements for the application server

The application server provides a connection pool for accessing the database and stores business logic. The following system prerequisites must be fulfilled for installation of the application server.

Table 12: System requirements - application server


8 physical cores 2.5 GHz+



Hard drive storage

40 GB

Operating system

Windows operating systems

The following versions are supported:

  • Windows Server 2008 R2 (non-Itanium based 64-bit) service pack 1 or later

  • Windows Server 2012

  • Windows Server 2012 R2

  • Windows Server 2016

  • Windows Server 2019

Linux operating systems

  • Linux operating system (64-bit), supported by the Mono project, or Docker images provided by the Mono project. Note the operating system manufacturer's minimum requirements for Apache HTTP Server.

Additional software

Windows operating systems

  • Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.7.2 or later

  • Microsoft Internet Information Services 10, 8.5, 8, 7.5, or 7 with ASP.NET 4.7.2, and the Role Services:
    • Web Server | Common HTTP Features | Static Content
    • Web Server | Common HTTP Features | Default Document
    • Web Server | Application Development | ASP.NET
    • Web Server | Application Development | .NET Extensibility
    • Web Server | Application Development | ISAPI Extensions
    • Web Server | Application Development | ISAPI Filters
    • Web Server | Security | Basic Authentication
    • Web Server | Security | Windows Authentication
    • Web Server | Performance | Static Content Compression
    • Web Server | Performance | Dynamic Content Compression

Linux operating systems

  • NTP Client
  • Mono 5.14 or higher
  • Apache HTTP Server 2.0 or 2.2 with the following modules:
    • mod_mono
    • rewrite
    • ssl (optional)

NOTE: In order to use the application server's REST API, the HTTP request methods POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE must be permitted by the web server (IIS/Apache).

Users for One Identity Manager

Table 13: Users for One Identity Manager
User Permissions

User for installing One Identity Manager

The installation user is needed for the initial installation of a One Identity Manager database using the Configuration Wizard. For detailed information, see Users with granular permission for the One Identity Manager database on an SQL Server and Permissions for the One Identity Manager database in a managed instance in an Azure SQL Database.

User for administrative tasks in One Identity Manager

The administrative user is used by components of One Identity Manager that require authorizations at server level and database level, for example, the Configuration Wizard, the DBQueue Processor, or the One Identity Manager Service. For detailed information, see Users with granular permission for the One Identity Manager database on an SQL Server and Permissions for the One Identity Manager database in a managed instance in an Azure SQL Database.

User for configuration tasks in One Identity Manager

The configuration user can execute configuration tasks within the One Identity Manager, for example, creating customer-specific schema extensions or working with the Designer. Configuration users need permissions at the server and database levels. For detailed information, see Users with granular permission for the One Identity Manager database on an SQL Server and Permissions for the One Identity Manager database in a managed instance in an Azure SQL Database.

End user for One Identity Manager

End users are only assigned permissions at database level in order, for example, to complete tasks with the Manager or the Web Portal. For detailed information, see Users with granular permission for the One Identity Manager database on an SQL Server and Permissions for the One Identity Manager database in a managed instance in an Azure SQL Database.

User for Logging into One Identity Manager

One Identity Manager uses different authentication modules for logging in to administration tools. Authentication modules identify the system users to be used and load the user interface and database resource editing permissions depending on their permission group memberships.

For detailed information about the One Identity Manager authentication modules, see the One Identity Manager Authorization and Authentication Guide.

User account for the One Identity Manager Service

The user account for One Identity Manager Service requires permissions to carry out operations at file level. For example, assigning permissions and creating and editing directories and files.

The user account must belong to the Domain users group.

The user account must have the Login as a service extended user permissions.

The user account requires access permissions to the internal web service.

NOTE: If One Identity Manager Service runs under the network service (NT Authority\NetworkService), you can issue access permissions for the internal web service with the following command line call:

netsh http add urlacl url=http://<IP address>:<port number>/ user="NT AUTHORITY\NETWORKSERVICE"

The user account needs full access to the One Identity Manager Service installation directory in order to automatically update One Identity Manager.

In the default installation, One Identity Manager is installed under:

  • %ProgramFiles(x86)%\One Identity (on 32-bit operating systems)
  • %ProgramFiles%\One Identity (on 64-bit operating systems)

NOTE: Other target system specific permissions may be required for synchronizing One Identity Manager with each target system. These permissions are explained in the corresponding guide.

For more information, see Setting up permissions for creating an HTTP server.

Setting up permissions for creating an HTTP server

The log files of the One Identity Manager Service can be displayed using an HTTP server (http://<Servername>:<Portnumber>).

Users require permission to open an HTTP server. The administrator must grant URL approval to the user to do this. This can be executed with the following command line call:

netsh http add urlacl url=http://*:<port number>/ user=<domain>\<user name>

If the One Identity Manager Service has to run under the Network Service (NT Authority\NetworkService) user account, explicit permissions for the internal web service must be granted. This can be executed with the following command line call:

netsh http add urlacl url=http://<IP address>:<port number>/ user="NT AUTHORITY\NETWORKSERVICE"

You can check the result with the following command line call:

netsh http show urlacl

Communications ports and firewall configuration

One Identity Manager is made up of several components that can be executed in different network segments. In addition, One Identity Manager requires access to various network services, which can also be installed in different network segments. You must open various ports depending on which components and services you want to install behind the firewall.

The following ports are required:

Table 14: Communications port
Default port Description


Port for communicating with the One Identity Manager database.


Port for the HTTP protocol of One Identity Manager Service.


Port for access tests with the Synchronization Editor, such as in the target system browser or for simulating synchronization.


Port for accessing web applications.


Kerberos authentication system. (if Kerberos authentication is implemented).

135 Microsoft End Point Mapper (EPMAP) (also, DCE/RPC Locator Service).
137 NetBIOS Name Service.
139 NetBIOS Session Service.

Other ports for connecting to target systems are also required. These ports are listed in the corresponding guides.

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