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Identity Manager 8.1.5 - Installation Guide

About this guide One Identity Manager overview Installation prerequisites Installing One Identity Manager Installing and configuring the One Identity Manager Service Automatic updating of One Identity Manager Updating One Identity Manager Installing and updating an application server Installing the API Server Installing, configuring, and maintaining the Web Portal Installing and updating the Manager web application Logging in to One Identity Manager tools Troubleshooting Creating a One Identity Manager database for a test or development environment from a database backup Advanced configuration of the Manager web application Machine roles and installation packages

Installing and updating an application server

The application server provides a connection pool for accessing the database. Clients send their queries to the application server, which processes the objects, for example, by determining values using templates and sending the results back to the clients. The data from the application is sent to the database when an object is saved.

Before installation ensure that the minimal hardware and software prerequisites are fulfilled on the server.

NOTE: On Linux operating systems, use of oneidentity/oneim-appserver docker images is recommended.

Detailed information about this topic

Advice for installing an application server

  • If you want to run the One Identity Manager Service or the Designer through an application server, the application server requires sufficient permissions for a configuration user. Use the SQL Server login to connect to the One Identity Manager database and to authenticate against the One Identity Manager database when you install the application server.

  • To limit permissions for end users, you can make other application servers available that use the SQL Server login for end users.

  • To use the Web Portal or full text search in the Manager, you need an application server with a search service installed on it.

  • Start the application server installation locally on the server.

  • Use the QBM | AppServer | SessionTimeout configuration parameter to add the timeout in hours, after which inactive application server sessions are closed. The default value is 24 hours. In the Designer, edit the configuration parameter.

Installing an application server

IMPORTANT: Start the application server installation locally on the server.

NOTE: On Linux operating systems, use of oneidentity/oneim-appserver docker images is recommended.

To install an application server

  1. Launch autorun.exe from the root directory of the One Identity Manager installation medium.
  2. Go to the Installation tab and select the Web based components item and click Install. This starts the Web Installer.
  3. Select Install application server on the Web Installer and click Next.
  4. On the Database connection page, enter the connection credentials for the One Identity Managerdatabase.
  5. Configure the following settings on the Select setup target page.
    Table 32: Settings for the installation target
    Setting Description
    Application name Name used as application name, as in the title bar of the browser, for example.
    Target in IIS Internet Information Services web page on which to install the application.
    Enforce SSL Specifies whether insecure websites are available for installation. If the option is set, only sites secured by SSL can be used for installing. This setting is the default value. If this option is not set, insecure websites can be used for installing.


    The application's Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

    Install dedicated application pool

    Specifies whether an application pool is installed for each application. This allows applications to be set up independently of one another. If this option is set, each application is installed in its own application pool.

    Application pool

    The application pool to use. This can only be entered if the Install dedicated application pool option is not set.

    If you use the DefaultAppPool default value, the application pool has the following syntax:

    <application name>_POOL


    Permissions for executing an application pool. You can use a default identity or a custom user account.

    If you use the ApplicationPoolIdentity default value, the user account has the following syntax:

    IIS APPPOOL\<application name>_POOL

    You can authorize another user by clicking ... next to the box, enabling the Custom account option and entering the user and password.

    Web authentication

    Specifies the type for authentication against the web application. You have the following options:

    • Windows authentication (single sign-on)

      The user is authenticated against the Internet Information Services using their Windows user account and the web application logs in the employee assigned to the user account as role-based. If single sign-on is not possible, the user is diverted to a login page. You can only select this authentication method if Windows authentication is installed.

    • Anonymous

      Login is possible without Windows authentication. The user is authenticated against the Internet Information Services and the web application anonymously, and the web application is directed to a login page.

    Database authentication

    NOTE: You can only see this section if you have selected a SQL database connection on the Database connection page.

    Specifies the type for authentication against the One Identity Manager database. You have the following options:

    • Windows authentication

      The web application is authenticated against the One Identity Manager database with the same Windows user account that your application pool uses. Login is possible with a user-defined user account or a default identity for the application pool.

    • SQL authentication

      Authentication is completed with a SQL Server login and password. The SQL Server login from the database connection is used. Use the [...] button to enter a different SQL login, for example, if the application is executed with a access level for end users. This access data is saved in the web application configuration as computer specific encrypted.

  6. On the Assign machine roles page, define the machine roles.

    This enables the machine roles for the application server. The machine roles Search Service and Search Indexing Service are required for indexing the full text search. These machine roles are always used together.

    NOTE: If you want to use a Web Portal, you will need to use an application server with a search service installed.

  7. On the Set session token certificate page, you define the certificate for creating and checking session tokens.

    NOTE: The certificate must have a key length of at least 1024 bits.

    1. To create a new certificate, enter the following information.
      1. Session token certificate: Select Create new certificate.
      2. Certificate issuer: Enter the issuer of the certificate.
      3. Key length: Specify the key length for the certificate.

      The certificate is entered in the application server's certificate management.

    2. To use an existing certificate, enter the following information.
      1. Session token certificate: Select the entry Use existing certificate.
      2. Select certificate: Select the certificate. 
    3. To generate a new certificate file, enter the following information.
      1. Session token certificate: Select Generate new certificate file.
      2. Certificate issuer: Enter the issuer of the certificate.
      3. Key length: Specify the key length for the certificate.
      4. Certificate file: Enter the directory path and name of the certificate file.

      The certificate file is stored in the specified directory in the web application.

  8. Specify the user account for automatic updating on the Set update credentials page. The user account is used to add or replace files in the application directory.

    • Use IIS credentials for update: Set this option to use the user account under which the application pool is executed for the updates.

    • Use other credentials for updates: To use a different user account, set this option. Specify the domain, the user name, and the user password.

  9. (Optional) The One Identity Manager History Database is used to provide archived data for analyzing in reports and the TimeTrace. If you access the One Identity Manager History Database is through an application server, on the Edit History Database connections page, enter the One Identity Manager History Database ID and the connection parameters.

    NOTE: You can enter the One Identity Manager History Database‘s connection parameters at a later date. Use the configuration file (web.config) to do this.

    For detailed information about connecting to the One Identity Manager History Database through an application server and the required configuration, see the One Identity Manager Operational Guide.

  10. Installation progress is displayed on the Setup is running page. After installation is complete, click Next.

  11. Click Finish on the last page to end the program.

  12. Close the autorun program.

NOTE: The Web Installer generates both the web application and the configuration file (web.config). The Web Installer uses default values for the configuration settings. You can keep these values but it is recommended you check the settings. You will find the configuration file (web.config) in the web application directory in the Internet Information Services.

Related topics

Displaying the application server status

You can access the application server from a browser.

Use the appropriate URL for this:

http://<server name>/<application name>

https://<server>/<application name>

TIP: You can open the web server's status display in the Job Queue Info. In the Job Queue Info, select View | Server state in the menu and, on the Web servers tab, open the web server status display from the Open in browser context menu.

You will see different status information. Status information for the application server is displayed as performance indicators. Users with the Enables log display in the application server program function (AppServer_Logs) can see the log.

In addition, API documentation is available here. To access the REST API on the application server, the user required the Enables access to the REST API on the application server (AppServer_API). For more information about the REST API, see the One Identity Manager REST API Reference Guide

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